[Abstract]:In order to carry out the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference and investigate the implementation of "cost reduction" and the effect of the policy, the Central Research Group of the China Institute of Fiscal Sciences conducted field investigation in Henan, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces. The investigation found that many concrete measures and measures have been put forward around cost reduction in various provinces and have achieved certain results. However, there are still four major problems in the current "cost reduction": first, the related cost reduction policies are homogenized seriously, lack of long-term overall planning, and the cost reduction policies in some areas or areas need to be strengthened; Second, although the business environment has been greatly improved, but still need to be further improved, institutional transaction costs are still a barrier to sustainable development of local enterprises; Fourth, the enterprise internal management level is not optimistic, independent innovation ability and will is not strong. We believe that the current cost reduction policies should be evaluated in a timely manner, relevant policies should be introduced or adjusted in due time, supervision and inspection should be strengthened, and the implementation of cost reduction policies should be done well. In the future, it is necessary to comprehensively promote and deepen the reform, create a good business environment, and build a long-term mechanism to reduce institutional transaction costs. Of course, tax reduction and fee reduction are limited, strengthening internal management is the first key to cost reduction, and enhancing the ability of independent innovation is the most important.
【作者单位】: 中国财政科学研究院2017年"降成本"中部调研组;
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