[Abstract]:In order to speed up the development of China's telecommunications industry, many enterprises choose to focus on human and material resources on market development, ignoring the internal management of enterprises, and failing to formulate effective internal performance appraisal management. These problems have a great impact on the healthy development of the telecommunications industry, which is not conducive to the company's strengthening. Competitiveness. At present, the performance appraisal of LC company is single and the appraisal index is unscientific. Combining with the actual situation of LC company, this paper optimizes the performance appraisal scheme of the sales staff, aiming at constructing a trial performance appraisal system for LC communication company, improving the enthusiasm of the sales staff and improving the performance. This paper studies and sorts out the relevant assessment theories, and makes some adjustments according to the actual situation of LC company, which can enrich the theory of performance assessment in China, stabilize the sales force and enhance the competitiveness of the company. In order to improve the ability to solve the problem, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is mainly used in the design of the performance appraisal of the sales staff of LC company, which can avoid the deviation caused by personal subjective factors to a large extent and make the index weight more convincing. The plan completion rate is the most important, the weight value is 0.405, followed by the recovery rate, the proportion of 0.225. In this paper, the design of sales personnel performance appraisal system to add an additional percentage of over-fulfilled sales plan rate, which can stimulate the enthusiasm of sales staff, but also help to enhance the enthusiasm of sales staff. The performance appraisal system designed by the staff is also planned in application. The appraisal results will be fed back to salespeople's salary, promotion, professional training and continuous improvement of performance. This can help salespeople better realize their career planning, and then realize the development strategy of LC company.
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