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发布时间:2018-09-18 11:47
[Abstract]:The research of Shaanxi Merchants Guild in Ming and Qing dynasties began in the 1990s. In recent years, the research on Shaanxi Merchants Guild has gradually increased, and the study of Shaanxi Mercantile Guild has become an important part of the study of Shaanxi economic history. However, the study of Shaanxi Merchants Guild is more dependent on Shanxi Merchants and Shanxi Merchants Guild, while the independent study on the distribution, function and influence of Shaanxi Merchants Guild is neglected. The Ming and Qing dynasties as a strong commercial power Shaanxi businessmen, established the largest number of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Shaanxi economy and the Ming and Qing dynasties as a whole has made an important contribution to the economy. Therefore, the research on Shaanxi Merchants Guild can analyze the quantity and distribution of Shaanxi Merchants Guild, as well as the support for Shaanxi Merchants in Ming and Qing dynasties, understand the laws of Shaanxi Merchants' success, and sum up its enlightenment to the present. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the major business groups built thousands of different size clubs, the functions of which were extended from the original Shizi Guanghui Hall to three types of guild halls, all of which had the shadow of businessmen. First of all, it introduces the initial classification of Shaanxi Merchants Guild in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which is also the origin of the rise of Shaanxi Merchants Guild. The Guild, which is funded by official and gentry businessmen, is composed of numerous small craftsmen and businessmen seeking wealth. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which maintains the rights and interests of businessmen, finally formed a large number of Shaanxi Merchants Guild. Secondly, through collecting and arranging the data, the paper presents the distribution of Shaanxi Merchants Guild in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the Shanshan Guild Hall built by Shanxi Merchants and Shaanxi Merchants in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the historical process of the rise and decline of Shaanxi Merchants Guild, and discusses the establishment and regional distribution of Shaanxi Merchants Guild with the methods of economic analysis and historical analysis. Finally, the article analyzes the historical influence of Shaanxi Merchants Guild and its enlightenment to the present age, analyzes the function of Shaanxi Merchants Guild to Shaanxi merchants' excursions, and the cultural connotations of Shaanxi Merchants Guild itself. This paper focuses on the independent study of Shaanxi Merchants Guild, especially on its specific distribution and its characteristics of innovation, avoiding the limitations of the mixture of Shaanxi and Shanxi merchants. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the rise and decline of Shaanxi Merchants Guild was not only the historical witness of Shaanxi and Shaanxi businessmen, but also an important part of the overall commercial history of Ming and Qing. The study of the rise and fall of Shaanxi Merchants Guild is of profound significance to the historical changes of Shaanxi economy and enlightening to the new era of Shaanxi economy taking off again.


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