[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of computer technology, knowledge in many fields can be combined organically by using computer technology, which is more helpful for designers to carry out technological innovation. Technological innovation is the guarantee that enterprises can develop for a long time. Among the many innovative methods, the theory of problem solving proposed by G.S.Altshuller, (TRIZ), has been widely used. Especially, the ARIZ theory of TRIZ theory combines design theory with inventing tools effectively, which makes the design process more concrete. ARIZ is an advanced tool in TRIZ theory, which can transform special problems into standard problems, which is helpful for users to go out of their thinking patterns and make use of all kinds of available resources to make the steps of solving problems flow. Using ARIZ can solve the complex non-standard problems encountered in invention and creation. However, because of the complexity of ARIZ, the application of ARIZ makes more use of manual means, and most of the innovative software does not include ARIZ. Therefore, the problems we urgently need to solve are: clear and simplified ARIZ theory; inductive and reasonable problem solving flow; designing software suitable for beginners to learn and apply ARIZ. Through combing related knowledge of ARIZ and analogical research on related innovative application software, this paper sums up and summarizes the ARIZ process, which makes it easier for users to find solutions to the problems. The main structure of the innovative application system is determined. On this basis, the innovative application system based on ARIZ is developed. The main functions and usage methods of each module are introduced. Users can choose different modules according to different problems. Finally, the reliability and usefulness of the system are verified by the system application, which makes up for the deficiency of the existing innovative application system in ARIZ.
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