[Abstract]:First of all, based on the literature research, a stochastic probability model is proposed to calculate the monetary value and the active probability of the customer, so as to find out the future monetary value of the customer. At the same time, the non-monetary value of the customer is measured by the customer's non-role behavior. Then the questionnaire data of 350 online shopping customers show that online customer loyalty can significantly affect the future monetary value and non-monetary value of customers (customer role behavior). And network customer loyalty can make customer value category transfer. Finally, a set of customer value classification strategies based on the future monetary value and non-monetary value of the customer is proposed, and the marketing strategies for each customer category group are described in detail.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学国际工商管理学院;上海财经大学现代服务经济研究院;
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