[Abstract]:In recent years, international and domestic accounting information disclosure fraud cases frequently broke out, making corporate managers gradually aware of the importance of promoting information openness, so how to improve corporate transparency was quickly put on the agenda. The most basic feature of modern companies is the separation of ownership and management, which leads to a certain degree of agency problems, which may cause agents to pursue their own interests and thus harm the interests of the company. Many studies at home and abroad show that as an incentive measure, managerial shareholding can effectively reduce the agency cost under the separation of the two rights, thus making the interests of the agent and the principal tend to converge. In this paper, a total of 2188 sets of data of listed companies in Shenzhen A-share main Board market from 2010 to 2014 are selected as the research samples. The regression model is applied on the basis of signal transmission theory and interest convergence hypothesis, and corporate transparency is chosen as the explained variable. Stock compensation optimization, management shareholding ratio, executive turnover, the relative concentration of the top ten shareholders are explanatory variables, company size, debt level, return on assets, whether the chairman and the general manager are both control variables, The conclusions are as follows: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between the proportion of managerial shareholding and the transparency of listed companies in China; (2) Management turnover motivation has a significant negative impact on corporate transparency; (3) the larger the scale, the better the return on assets, and the better internal governance companies tend to disclose information. According to the above conclusions, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions on how to improve the transparency of the company: (1) to establish a reasonable ownership structure, including determining the proportion of management ownership and the concentration of the top ten shareholders, so as to make it conform to the equity incentive system; (2) perfecting supervision to standardize the behavior of information disclosure; (3) strengthening the credit quality and moral integrity construction of listed companies; (4) establishing a comprehensive and complete system to evaluate the information disclosure quality of listed companies as soon as possible. As far as China is concerned, due to the late introduction of the management shareholding system and the imperfect internal governance mechanism of listed companies, the issue of corporate transparency is particularly prominent, so in order to increase transparency, In China, we should guide the listed companies to make use of the equity incentive when implementing the incentive compensation contract.
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