本文关键词:中国经济政策不确定性下的股票市场和国债市场间相关性研究 出处:《南京大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 股票市场 国债市场 经济政策不确定性 相关性 非对称性 趋势
【摘要】:相关性是资本市场上一个相当重要的话题,关系到投资者的获利能力、市场的整合等。政策的变化会影响到投资者的行为,甚至产生“流向质量”("flight to quality")现象,进而影响到股票市场和债券市场之间的相关性。本文选择中国的经济政策不确定性下的中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性进行研究。在详细分析中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的基础上,研究中国的经济政策不确定性是如何影响这种相关性的。本文首先运用带有马尔科夫体制转换的动态条件相关系数模型对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性进行了研究。实证研究发现自2003年1月至2015年6月这段时间,中国股票市场和中国国债市场的之间的相关性可以分为两个状态:正相关和轻微负相关。在整个研究区间内,主要以轻微负相关为主,只有在2003年1月至2004年5月和2014年5月至2015年5月这段时间,中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间以正相关为主(其中也偶尔出现轻微负相关)。中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的这两种状态之间的转换不明显,因此,中国股票市场和中国国债市场的相关性表现出了一定的稳定性。本研究说明中国这两个资本市场在大多数时期,相关性不强,而且是轻微负相关的,从而中国国债市场相对于中国股票市场来说具有轻微的对冲和避险天堂的作用。在研究了中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性后,本文采用带有外生变量的中心非对称动态条件相关系数模型研究了中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的非对称性,同时研究了中国的经济政策不确定性对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的影响。本文发现,中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的非对称性是不显著的,而中国的经济政策不确定性对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的影响也是对称的。中国的经济政策不确定性的增大,会显著地降低这种相关性,而中国的经济政策不确定性的降低则会增大这种相关性。这说明在中国这两个资本市场上,存在着“流向质量”现象。在这一部分,本文还研究了中国的经济政策不确定性对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的影响的持续性。本文研究发现瞬间增大一个标准差的中国的经济政策不确定性的改变量对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的影响会随着时间逐渐降低,大约持续14个月左右。最后本文采用平滑过渡动态条件相关系数模型和双平滑过渡动态条件相关系数模型研究了中国的经济政策不确定性对中国股票市场和中国债券市场之间的相关性的趋势的影响,中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的的相关性随时间变化的趋势。实证发现,中国的经济政策不确定性的增大会导致中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性有变小的趋势,而且这种影响是极为剧烈的,也就是说,中国的经济政策不确定性对中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性的趋势的影响是极为迅速的。中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性具有向下的趋势,在2007年1月,中国股票市场和中国国债市场之间的相关性由正相关变为负相关,而这种变化速度是比较平缓的。
[Abstract]:The correlation on the capital market is a very important topic, related to the investor's profit ability, market integration. The change in policy will affect the behavior of investors, and even the flow of quality "(" flight to quality "), which affects the relationship between stock market and bond market. This paper chooses Chinese the research on the correlation between the economic policy under uncertainty China stock market and bond market China. Based on the correlation between the detailed analysis of Chinese stock market and bond market China on research Chinese economic policy uncertainty is how to influence this relationship. This paper studied the correlation between dynamic conditions with the Markoff system the correlation coefficient of Chinese conversion model of stock market and bond market. Chinese empirical study found that from January 2003 to 2015 In June this period of time, can China correlation between stock market and bond market China is divided into two states: positive correlation and slight negative correlation. In the whole range of the study, mainly in the slight negative correlation, only in January 2003 to May 2004 and from May 2014 to May 2015 this period of time, the stock market and the bond between China China the market are positively correlated. (including the occasional slight negative correlation). The transition between the two states Chinese correlation between stock market and bond market of Chinese is not obvious, so the correlation between stock market and bond market China China showed a certain stability. This study shows that the two capital market in Chinese most of time, the correlation is not strong, but a slight negative correlation, which Chinese stock market has a slight hedge and hedge Chinese relative to the bond market Heaven. In the study of the correlation between the stock market and bond market Chinese Chinese after using exogenous variables with non center symmetry dynamic conditional correlation model to study the correlation between the stock market and bond market China Chinese the effect of correlation was also studied Chinese economic policy between the uncertainty of Chinese the stock market and bond market Chinese. This paper found that asymmetric correlation between China stock market and Chinese bond market is not significant, while the influence of China economic policy uncertainty on qualitative correlation between China stock market and bond market Chinese and symmetric. China increases economic policy uncertainty that would significantly reduce this correlation, and reduce the Chinese economic policy uncertainty will increase. This shows that this correlation In the two Chinese capital market, the existence of "quality flow" phenomenon. In this part, the continuing impact of the correlation is also studied in this paper China economic policy uncertainty on Chinese between stock market and bond market of the China. This study found that the effect of correlation between the change of one standard deviation increase moment Chinese economic policy uncertainty on the China stock market and bond market will Chinese decreased over time, lasts about 14 months. Finally the correlation effect of smooth transition of the dynamic conditional correlation model and double smooth transition of dynamic conditional correlation model of Chinese economic policy between the uncertainty of Chinese stock Chinese market and bond market trend, the trend of the relationship between the stock market and bond market Chinese China changes with time. The empirical study indicates that the China economic policy uncertainty will lead to the increase of the correlation between Chinese stock market and bond market Chinese decreases and the impact is very violent, that is to say, the effect of the correlation between China economic policy uncertainty on the China stock market and China bond market trend is very fast. The correlation between the stock market and bond market China Chinese has a downward trend, in January 2007, the correlation between the stock market and bond market Chinese Chinese by positive correlation is negative correlation, and the change rate is relatively slow.
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