发布时间:2018-01-17 23:18
本文关键词:胜利油田住房公积金风险管理研究 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:住房公积金制度作为我国住房制度改革的重要内容,对改善职工住房条件、解决中低收入群众住房困难发挥了积极作用。住房公积金作为长期性住房储金,决定了它在平稳开展各项业务、实现既定目标的同时,必须加强内部控制,建立完整、合理的内部风险防范体系。随着住房公积金业务及规模不断扩大,归集额、贷款额的大幅攀升,,防范风险、加强内部控制显得尤为重要。 本论文首先分析了住房公积金风险的形成背景、国内外研究的现状和研究的内容。然后以风险管理的内涵和特征为指导,得出了住房公积金风险管理的目标和流程。进而对胜利油田住房公积金实行风险管理的必要性进行研究。最后在此基础上探讨了胜利油田住房公积金风险管理的模式与对策,以期对目前我国住房公积金风险管理的实施提供借鉴,规范住房公积金管理行为,促进我国住房公积金的健康有序发展。
[Abstract]:Housing provident fund system, as an important part of housing system reform in China, has played an active role in improving the housing conditions of employees and solving the housing difficulties of middle and low income people. Housing provident fund is a long-term housing reserve fund. It is decided that it is necessary to strengthen internal control and establish a complete and reasonable internal risk prevention system while carrying out all kinds of business smoothly and achieve the established goal. With the expansion of housing accumulation fund business and scale. Return to the credit, the amount of large-rise, risk prevention, strengthen internal control is particularly important. This paper first analyzes the background of the formation of housing provident fund risk, domestic and foreign research status and research content, and then based on the connotation and characteristics of risk management as a guide. The goal and flow of housing accumulation fund risk management are obtained. The necessity of implementing risk management of housing accumulation fund in Shengli Oilfield is studied. Finally, the risk management of housing accumulation fund in Shengli oilfield is discussed. Patterns and countermeasures. The aim is to provide reference for the implementation of risk management of housing accumulation fund in our country at present, standardize the management behavior of housing accumulation fund, and promote the healthy and orderly development of housing accumulation fund in our country.
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