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发布时间:2018-01-18 06:39

  本文关键词:房地产企业知识型员工心理契约违背及其效应研究 出处:《河北工业大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产企业 知识型员工 心理契约违背 组织犬儒主义 团队认同员工行为

【摘要】:鉴于心理契约作为组织与员工之间交换关系分析框架的显著功效,其内涵要素、结构模型、动态发展机制等已倍受学术界和企业界的广泛关注,其中多发现员工由对与组织之间交换关系平衡性的主观认知与评价而产生的负面情绪,及其所引发的组织性反应机制对组织最终效果的消极作用,尤其当面临不确定性环境时,该传导机制的影响力更显凸出。由此推论,该传导机制及其效应对处于我国转型经济背景下的房地产企业极具威慑力。众所周知,曾作为国家经济发展主流支撑的房地产业在经历了国际金融危机、宏观政策调控后,其市场硬着陆之势已逐渐显现,随之而来的组织重组、机构精简等管理格局的变迁势必造成企业的运行压力,而身处企业人力资源中坚层的知识型员工则愈发面临动态环境下生存与发展的紧迫问题,这种微观层面的矛盾性终将牵动宏观层面效能的衰竭。“如何抓住员工的心,进而凝聚企业的魂?如何在动态环境下把控企业与关键员工之间关系的协调性?”已成为桎梏我国房地产企业管理效能的棘手问题。 本研究正是出于对大时代洪流中现实问题的思考,以我国转型经济背景下的房地产企业为研究情境,聚焦于其核心竞争力的重要组成部分——知识型员工,试图通过洞悉该类员工对其与组织之间交换关系的主观认知,揭示其组织性反应的内在机理。为此,本研究融合了多学科研究哲学,以社会交换理论、信念理论、意义建构理论为支撑,遵循“探析和阐明研究视角的合理性与研究内容的层面性→解析和验证研究主题的理论性与实践性→阐释和提升研究结论的可靠性与普适性”的研究流程,借助于五个关键子问题的解析途径,对该类员工心理契约的主要影响源及其驱动路径、涵盖要素及其结构模型,以及心理契约违背效应加以层层剖析,并取得如下创新性成果: 第一,构建起房地产企业知识型员工心理契约动因机制模型,进一步印证了狭义研究视角对于房地产企业管理情境的适用性。 基于知识型员工的视角,融合组织行为学、社会认知心理学等研究理念,汲取扎根理论的思想精髓,遵循探索性及解释性两阶段顺承解析逻辑,识别出组织层面的主要影响源(真实的工作预览、组织社会化)及员工层面的主要影响源(工作价值观、自我效能),并发现部分中介作用路径(真实的工作预览→组织社会化→心理契约)。 第二,辨析出房地产企业知识型员工心理契约的内涵要素与结构模型,为从多层面剖析心理契约违背反应机制奠定理论基础。 结合房地产企业的管理情境及知识型员工的独特特征,基于社会交换理论、信念理论及扎根理论思想,遵循探索性及解释性两阶段顺承解析逻辑,辨析出该类员工心理契约的内涵要素及其三维构型(发展型、激励型、关系型),藉此也为进一步探究心理契约违背的多层面反应机制积累理论依据与经验证据。 第三,,提出我国房地产企业知识型员工心理契约违背效应分析框架,从理论演绎和经验归纳的双重角度探析出该类员工对组织责任履行主观评价的组织性反应机制。 鉴于国内对于心理契约违背传统综述性研究的局限性,借鉴管理学前沿的系统综述和循证管理方法,对背靠我国社会形态的员工心理契约违背效应学术文献进行元分析,归纳出我国员工心理契约违背效应的基本构想,并受此启发,秉承社会交换理论和意义建构理论的研究理念,运用探索性案例研究策略,以多元化数据源和内容分析技术为支撑,提出我国房地产企业知识型员工心理契约违背效应分析框架。 第四,构建起我国房地产企业知识型员工心理契约违背作用机制模型,尤其是集成了组织犬儒主义、团队认同的理论沿承,发现了该类员工心理契约违背的不同面向与“退出(E)、谏言(V)、忠诚(L)、忽略(N)”行为之间不同程度的影响关系,进一步丰富了我国房地产企业知识型员工心理契约违背作用机制的分析框架。 融合组织行为学、社会认知心理学等多元化研究哲学,借鉴扎根理论方法论,由心理契约违背的多维视角进行剖析,先由“以规范性实证研究为平台,以严谨的统计分析技术为支撑”的研究问题解决方案,再由“以验证性案例研究策略为框架,嫁接以定性和定量分析技术”的建构效度提升途径,揭示出我国房地产企业知识型员工对其与组织间交换关系的主观认知及其组织性反应途径。包括:1)“心理契约违背各维度→E、N”的显著正向直接影响(除“发展型心理契约违背对N无直接影响”以外)、“心理契约违背各维度→V、L”的显著负向直接影响;2)“关系型心理契约违背→组织犬儒主义→E、V、L、N”、“发展型、激励型心理契约违背→组织犬儒主义→E、V、L”、“心理契约违背各维度→团队认同→V”的部分中介效应,以及“激励型心理契约违背→组织犬儒主义→N”的完全中介效应。同时发现“发展型心理契约违背→组织犬儒主义→N”、“心理契约违背各维度→团队认同→E、L、N”无中介效应。
[Abstract]:In view of the psychological contract between the organization and employees as a significant effect analysis framework of the exchange relationship, its connotation, structure model, dynamic development mechanism, wide attention has been paid to the academic and business circles, many of them found by staff and organization of exchange between the subjective cognition and evaluation of the balance between the negative emotions, negative effect the organization of the response mechanism and the organization of the final result, especially when facing the uncertain environment, the transmission mechanism of the influence of more protruding. Thus, great deterrent the transmission mechanism and the effect of in our country under the background of economic transformation of the real estate enterprises. As everyone knows, served as the national economic development mainstream the support of the real estate industry has experienced in the international financial crisis, macroeconomic regulation and control policies, the market potential of the hard landing has gradually emerged, followed by reorganization, machine The reduction will cause changes in the management pattern of enterprises operating pressure, and the knowledge workers in the enterprise human resources backbone layer is increasingly facing the urgent problem for the survival and development of the dynamic environment, the contradiction of this micro level will affect the efficiency of the macro level failure. How to seize the hearts of the staff, and then gather the soul of the enterprise? How to coordination control between the enterprise and the key employees in the dynamic environment? "Has become the shackles of China's real estate enterprise management efficiency of difficult problems.
This study is due to practical problems in the current era, the economic transformation of China under the background of real estate enterprises as an important part of the research situation, focusing on its core competence, knowledge staff, the staff of trying to discern the relationship between subjective cognitive exchange and organization, to reveal the intrinsic mechanism the organization of the reaction. Therefore, this study integrates multidisciplinary research philosophy, based on social exchange theory, belief theory, constructivism theory, follow the "rationality and the research content of the research perspective and clarify the level of research, analysis and verification of the theme of the theory and practice to explain and promote the conclusion of the study the reliability and universality of the research process, analytical approach with five key issues, the main influence on the source of employee psychological contract and driving path to cover The element and its structure model, as well as the psychological contract violation effect are analyzed in layers, and the following innovative results are obtained.
First, we build a psychological contract motivation mechanism model of knowledge workers in real estate enterprises, which further confirms the applicability of narrow sense research perspective to real estate management situations.
Knowledge workers from the perspective of integration of organizational behavior, social cognitive psychology research ideas, learn the essence of grounded theory, follow the exploration and explanation of two stages of the parsing logic, identify the main influence organizational level source (real work preview, organizational socialization and employee level) mainly affects the source (work values, self-efficacy), and found that the part of the intermediary role path (real work preview, organizational socialization, psychological contract).
Second, identify the connotation elements and structural models of psychological contract of knowledge workers in real estate enterprises, so as to lay a theoretical foundation for analyzing the psychological contract violation reaction mechanism from a multi-level perspective.
Combined with the unique characteristics of the real estate business management situation and knowledge workers, based on social exchange theory, theory of belief and grounded theory, follow the exploration and explanation of two stages the analytic logic of the connotation of employee psychological contract and its three-dimensional structure (development type, incentive type, relation type) also, this accumulation of theoretical basis and empirical evidence for the multi level response mechanism to further explore the psychological contract violation.
Third, put forward the analysis framework of psychological contract violation effect of knowledge workers in Chinese real estate enterprises. From the perspective of theoretical deduction and experience induction, we can find out organizational response mechanism of employees' subjective evaluation of organizational responsibility.
In view of the limitations of the traditional domestic against research review of psychological contract, from the frontier of management systematic review and evidence management method, on the back of the Chinese society of the psychological contract violation effect in the academic literature element analysis, summed up the basic conception of psychological contract violation effect in China, and inspired by the manufacturer the concept of social exchange theory and constructivism theory, using exploratory case study strategy, diversified data source and content analysis technology, the knowledge worker in China real estate enterprises psychological contract violation effect analysis framework.
Fourth, build a mechanism model of knowledge workers in China real estate enterprises in violation of psychological contract, especially the integration of organizational cynicism, team identity theory along the pile, found the different aspects of the psychological contract violation and exit (E), 5 (V), loyalty (L), ignore (N) "influence the relationship between behavior, and further enrich the analysis framework of the mechanism of knowledge worker in China real estate enterprises in violation of psychological contract.
Integration of organizational behavior, social cognitive psychology diversified research philosophy, using grounded theory to analyze the psychological contract violation from a multidimensional perspective, the "to examine the empirical specification for the platform, with rigorous statistical analysis technology to support the research of problem solution, then the" strategic study case verification in order to construct validity of grafting framework, qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques to enhance the way, reveals the knowledge of China's real estate enterprise staff on subjective cognitive reaction and organizing way between organizations and the exchange relationship. Including: 1) "E, the dimensions of psychological contract violation, N significant positive direct effect (except" the development of psychological contract violation has no direct impact on the outside of N), "V, the dimensions of psychological contract violation, L significant negative influence; 2) the" relational psychological contract violation, organizational cynicism "V, L, E, N", "development, and organizational cynicism, E, incentive type psychological contract violation," L V, "part of the mediating effect of each dimension, team identification, V" psychological contract violation, and "incentive psychological contract violation, organizational cynicism, N" a complete mediating effect. At the same time that the "developmental psychological contract violation, organizational cynicism, N", "psychological contract dimensions, team identification, E, L, N" no mediating effect.



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