发布时间:2018-01-25 05:32
本文关键词: 资产Beta系数 有色金属行业 行为资产定价模型 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在“十二五”期间,国家将推进有色金属行业的兼并重组,同时鼓励有条件的企业积极勘查开发境外矿产资源、通过参股或并购等手段投资海外项目。无论是产能调整或者并购重组中的项目投资决策,还是对有色金属企业开展客观、科学的业绩考核,对有色金属行业资本成本的估测都有着旺盛的现实需求。而估测资本成本关键所在,是要估测出贝塔(Beta,β)系数。目前在估测β系数的应用研究中主要有基于会计报表信息与基于证券市场信息、基于决策者经验判断三种方法,其中基于证券市场信息的方法由于数据获得较便利、时间滞后更少、更贴近现实等特点而备受青睐。 因此,本文从现实需求出发,聚焦有色金属行业,基于证券市场信息,估测其行业的资产β系数。 首先,本文在明确研究目标后,通过归纳与整理现有文献资料,寻找实现目标的方法路径,从而确定选择以证券市场信息为基础的估测方法,应用行为资产定价模型(BAPM)为基础进行调整,最终得到有色金属行业资产β系数的估测值。 然后,在具体计算前,明确基于证券市场信息估测资产β的逻辑步骤作为操作指引:(1)以BAPM为基础构建模型,确定模型的主要变量,选取恰当的参数组合,从而明确应该收集哪些数据;(2)通过修正后的动量指数代替市场组合进行线性回归,求行为权益β;(3)利用财务杠杆卸载公式,计算资产β。 根据估测资产β的逻辑步骤,选择2007年1月1日前已在沪深两市公开上市的归属于有色金属行业的上市公司股票作为样本对象,筛选出37家上市公司作为总的行业样本,,并从中选出复合杠杆系数标准差较小的10家作为代表性上市公司组。样本区间为2007年1月1日至2011年12月31日,剔除节假日等停止交易的时间后,该时间段内共有255个周收益率样本。通过线性回归得到有色金属行业代表性上市公司样本组的行为资产β,计算其均值为0.8646,标准差为0.0859,进而估算出在研究时间段的有色金属行业的资本成本约为12.35%。 最后,对结果的合理性进行以下分析:(1)推断其统计分布形态,得到有色金属行业内代表性上市公司的资产β值服从正态分布的结论。(2)选择两个系统风险有明显差别甚至是互为极端的行业(作为防御型行业典型的餐饮旅游业与作为周期型行业典型的有色金属行业)进行对比,预期两者的资产β存在显著性差异,并且大小的对比符合两者的行业特征。结果显示,两个行业的系统风险确实有所差异,而且均值上餐饮旅游行业的资产β值要低于有色金属行业的资产β值,反映出有色金属行业的系统风险相对而言要更大一些,基本符合预期。(3)分析β的稳定性,发现有色金属行业的资产β系数并非一直不变而是保持缓慢的稳步攀升,从而指出实际应用资产β系数推测行业资本成本时需要注意时间差的影响并适当调整。(4)以代表性上市公司组为样本,计算含有噪声交易者风险的传统资产β与不含有噪声交易者风险的行为资产β进行比较,通过配对样本T检验,证实噪声交易者风险的确会对资产β造成影响,并发现上市时间较短的公司更容易受噪声的影响。
[Abstract]:During the 12th Five - Year Plan period , the state will push forward the merger and reorganization of non - ferrous metal industry , and encourage qualified enterprises to actively explore and exploit overseas mineral resources , and invest overseas projects through such means as equity or M & A . The key to estimate the capital cost is to estimate the Beta , 尾 coefficient . Therefore , the paper focuses on the nonferrous metal industry from the realistic demand , based on the information of the stock market , and estimates the asset 尾 coefficient of the industry . First of all , after the target is clearly researched , this paper finds out the method path based on the stock market information by summing up and arranging the existing literature data , so as to determine the estimation method based on the information of the stock market and apply the behavioral asset pricing model ( BAPM ) , and finally obtain the estimated value of the asset beta coefficient of the non - ferrous metal industry . Then , before the concrete calculation , the logic steps of estimating the asset 尾 based on the information of the securities market are defined as the operational guidelines : ( 1 ) the model is constructed on the basis of BAPM , the main variables of the model are determined , the appropriate parameter combinations are selected , so that which data should be collected clearly ; ( 2 ) the behavioral rights and interests are determined by replacing the market combination by the corrected momentum index ; and ( 3 ) the assets . beta . are calculated by using the financial leverage unloading formula . Based on the logic steps of estimating the assets 尾 , we selected 37 listed companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen listed company stock as sample objects before Jan . 1 , 2007 , screened 37 listed companies as the total industry samples , and selected 10 as representative listed companies . The samples ranged from January 1 , 2007 to December 31 , 2011 . The sample interval was 0.8646 , the standard deviation was 0.0859 , and then the capital cost of non - ferrous metal industry in the study period was estimated to be 12.35 % . Finally , the rationality of the results is analyzed as follows : ( 1 ) To deduce the statistical distribution pattern , to get the conclusion that the assets 尾 value of representative listed company in non - ferrous metal industry is subject to normal distribution .
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