本文选题:公租房 切入点:申请障碍 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Public rental housing is one of the important measures to implement and perfect the housing security system in our country, which bears the burden of solving the housing problems of low and middle income groups in China. However, in contrast to the enthusiasm of the government to vigorously promote the construction of public rental housing, However, many cities have the phenomenon of low application rate and high vacancy rate of public rental housing. Chongqing is the pilot city of public rental housing construction in our country. In March 2011, Chongqing first launched the public rental housing supply, and the allocation rate is not very good. In order to improve the situation of public rental housing, Chongqing has relaxed the conditions for applying for public rental housing, but the allocation of rent has not improved significantly. Chongqing Municipal Government has invested 140 billion yuan in building public rental housing, and the vacancy of public rental housing has not only caused a huge waste of public resources. Seriously affecting the public rental housing image and status in the hearts of the public, but also the effectiveness of the public rental housing system and housing security system as a whole strategic thinking is questioned. The purpose of this paper is to study the obstacles to the application and purchase of public rental housing in Chongqing. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Firstly, through the literature study, the author identified the barriers to the application of public rental housing, and identified the purchase barriers through expert interviews. Then, the author makes a qualitative analysis of the obstacles to purchase and purchase of public rental housing, and explores the internal mechanism of the obstacles. The paper uses AHP and expert scoring method to quantitatively evaluate the obstacles to the application of public rental housing. The article selects the "people's Heart Garden" community in Chongqing, and carries out an empirical study on the application barriers. The results of this study show that, The obstacle of public rental housing application consists of product factors and psychological factors, including: commuting distance, commuting time, public service and supporting facilities, housing quality, rent, furniture matching, children's distance to school; Psychological factors include: public rental housing security risks, personal image impact, mainstream crowd integration, neighborhood interaction. Public rental housing purchase barriers are also made up of product factors and psychological factors, among which product factors include: housing income ratio. Commuting time, commuting distance, children's distance to school, public service and supporting facilities, housing quality, public rental property service, housing appreciation potential, purchase psychological factors are consistent with application psychological factors. Commuting time, public service and supporting facilities are the three main obstacles that affect residents' application and purchase of public rental housing. Finally, the article puts forward some policy suggestions to alleviate the obstacles of applying for public rental housing, that is, to adjust the rent and price of public rental housing reasonably. The project planning is balanced and reasonable, the public supporting facilities are perfected, the public rental housing units are allocated rationally, the quality management and maintenance of the houses are strengthened, and the community propaganda of the public rental housing is well done.
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