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发布时间:2018-04-14 21:01

  本文选题:经济适用房 + 住房保障 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自改革开放以来,我国经济经历了跨越式发展,各行各业均取得长足发展,但住房难等问题困扰着我国低收入阶层。为此,经济适用房政策等住房保障相应而生并受到社会各界的广泛关注。近些年来,,经济适用房的发展促进了我国住房制度的不断改革和完善,有效地解决了我国低收入阶层住房难的问题。与此同时,经济适用房政策的实施大力推进了我国经济的发展,为我国社会主义和谐社会建设做出了巨大的贡献。 结合当前国内外经济适用房的发展现状以及相关研究成果,本文从对临汾市经济适用房的发展现状进行了调查与分析,发现当前临汾市经济适用房政策不能充分发挥其在住房供应关系调节中应有的作用,大部分低收入阶层依然面对着住房难这一基本难题。经过系统的研究与分析,经济适用房政策的效用受到限制主要在于其发展中存在针对性差、经济效用低、供需失调以及监督管理不完善等问题并对存在的问题进行了深入探讨与原因分析。最后,针对性提出完善临汾市经济适用房建设的构想与建议、构建临汾市经济适用房发展的模式、将当前市场中的存量住房考虑为经济适用房的主要房源、通过政府补贴等方式解决住房中存在的针对性差、经济效用低、供需失调以及监督管理不完善等问题;针对经济适用房政策方面主要提出五点建议:完善经济适用房的相关法律法规、保证购买对象的确认方式、严格对政府相关行为的监管、保持经济适用房价格在一定区间中调节、完善住房体系。 通过本文对于临汾市经济适用房建设的相关研究与分析,对临汾市经济适用房改革和发展提供一定的借鉴依据和参考。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has experienced a leap-forward development, various industries have made great progress, but housing difficulties and other problems beset the low-income class in our country.To this end, comfortable housing policy and other housing security corresponding and by the community's extensive concern.In recent years, the development of comfortable housing has promoted the continuous reform and perfection of China's housing system, and effectively solved the problem of housing difficulties of low income class in our country.At the same time, the implementation of comfortable housing's policy has greatly promoted the development of China's economy and made great contributions to the construction of a harmonious socialist society.Combined with the current development situation of comfortable housing at home and abroad and related research results, this paper makes an investigation and analysis of the current situation of the Linfen comfortable housing development.It is found that the current policy of comfortable housing in Linfen City can not give full play to its role in the adjustment of housing supply relations, and most low-income groups still face the basic problem of housing difficulties.Through systematic research and analysis, the effectiveness of comfortable housing's policy is restricted mainly by its poor pertinence and low economic utility in its development.The problems of imbalance of supply and demand and imperfect supervision and management are discussed and the causes are analyzed.Finally, the paper puts forward the idea and suggestion of improving comfortable housing's construction in Linfen City, constructs the mode of development of comfortable housing in Linfen City, and considers the stock of housing in the current market as the main source of housing for comfortable housing.To solve the problems of poor pertinence, low economic utility, imbalance of supply and demand and imperfect supervision and management through government subsidies and so on;With regard to comfortable housing's policy, it mainly puts forward five suggestions: to perfect the relevant laws and regulations of comfortable housing, to ensure the confirmation of the purchase object, and to strictly supervise the government's related actions.To maintain comfortable housing prices in a certain range of adjustment, improve the housing system.Through the research and analysis of the construction of comfortable housing in Linfen City, this paper provides some references for the reform and development of comfortable housing in Linfen City.


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