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发布时间:2018-06-07 20:10

  本文选题:现货白银投资 + 投资品种比较分析 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:全球性的金融危机爆发过后,整个投资市场哀鸿遍野,主要的经济发达体国家已深陷泥潭之中,全球消费一直持续着低迷的状态,主权债务问题更是狼烟再起。我们不得不承认,较为传统的市场经济学理论已经无法提供救市良药,经济发展的不确定性因而成为了现代社会的一个关键词,如今来看,整个世界已经进入了后金融危机时代。改革开放这三十多年来,中国老百姓的生活水平普遍都得到了提高,也都有了积蓄,许多人更是实现了有车有房的梦想,既然有了钱,我们都会考虑到怎样才能让自己辛辛苦苦赚来的钱在这后金融时代之中实现保值、甚至是增值呢?要想正确合理地打理资产,着实能够保证自己的财富不缩水,那么安全、合理、合法的投资渠道便是实现货币保值和增值的主要途径,而本文对于现货白银投资的研究目的便在于此。 本文总共分为五个章节分别进行论述,第一部分直奔主题,阐述了现货白银投资的研究目的和意义:在深受后金融时代的萧条影响下实现财富的实质报酬率,为了更好地完善我国金融结构,运用了“明确主题—产品介绍—比较分析—对策研究—未来展望”这一研究思路详细阐述。第二部分叙述的基础理论结合着第四部分建议的操作对策,也更好地运用了理论与实践互相融合的方法,这也是本文的一个亮点。第三部分通过对比分析的方法,将之对比于国内其他的投资品种,更突显了现货白银投资的优势,进而彰显了其在投资市场上不可替代的地位。第五部分则依据市场动态与机构作为分析了其利好的愿景并给予了个人的几点建议,旨在为我国金融投资市场的的多元化建设贡献力量,,引导其更好地发展。行文当中或许会存在较多的不妥之处,还恳请诸位领导和老师及时给以批评和指正!
[Abstract]:After the global financial crisis broke out, the whole investment market is full of grief, the major developed countries have been mired in the quagmire, global consumption has been in a state of depression, and the sovereign debt problem has been rising again. We have to admit that the more traditional theory of market economy can no longer provide a good remedy for the market rescue, and the uncertainty of economic development has thus become a key word in modern society. The whole world has entered a post-financial crisis era. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, the standard of living of the Chinese people has generally been improved, and they all have savings. Many people have even realized their dream of having a car and a house. Now that they have money, We all think about how we can keep our hard-earned money in this post-financial age, or even add value to it. If we want to properly and rationally manage our assets, we can really ensure that our wealth will not shrink. Then a safe, reasonable and legitimate investment channel is the main way to maintain and increase the value of our currency. This is the purpose of this paper. This paper is divided into five chapters respectively, the first part of the direct theme, This paper expounds the purpose and significance of the research on spot silver investment: realizing the real return rate of wealth under the influence of the depression of the post-financial era, in order to perfect the financial structure of our country better, The research idea of "clear theme-product introduction-comparative analysis-countermeasure research-future prospect" is described in detail. The second part describes the basic theory combined with the fourth part of the proposed operational countermeasures, but also a better use of the theory and practice fusion method, this is also a bright spot in this paper. The third part contrasts it with other domestic investment varieties through the method of comparative analysis, which highlights the advantages of spot silver investment, and then highlights its irreplaceable position in the investment market. The fifth part is based on the market dynamics and institutions as an analysis of its good vision and give some personal suggestions in order to contribute to the diversification of the financial investment market in China to guide its better development. Perhaps there will be a lot of errors in the text, but also ask your leaders and teachers to give timely criticism and correction!


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