[Abstract]:Although China's accession to the World Trade Organization has brought unprecedented opportunities for the development of China's foreign trade, it has also brought various uncertain risks to our foreign trade enterprises. Therefore, in order to ensure the export of foreign trade enterprises' products, It is of great significance to study the policy financial products to export risk transfer methods and risk prevention measures. Export credit Insurance: at present, policy credit insurance generally refers to export credit insurance, that is, short-term export credit insurance and medium and long-term export credit insurance. All of which are handled exclusively by SINOSURE) are a special policy measure for the government to protect the legitimate rights and interests of domestic enterprises in the economic activities of export trade, foreign investment and foreign project contracting. Mainly underwriting foreign buyers' commercial credit risk and foreign political risk, export credit insurance, export credit and guarantee are often referred to as official supported export credit, which is directly supported by national finance. Based on the analysis of Ningbo's export situation in recent years and the pattern of Ningbo's export-oriented economy, this paper applies the methods of example analysis and data analysis in different stages of Ningbo's development practice. This paper expounds the function of policy credit insurance on risk protection and trade financing of Ningbo export-oriented economic development enterprises. Combined with the development law of Ningbo export-oriented economy and the development of policy-oriented credit insurance, the methods of induction, comparison and summary analysis are used. This paper studies the restrictive factors that restrict the policy credit insurance on the development of Ningbo's export-oriented economy, and through the in-depth study and analysis of the restrictive factors, Based on the different internal and external characteristics of Chinese export credit insurance companies, the paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to promote the export function insurance in Ningbo's export-oriented economy. In order to facilitate Ningbo's next foreign trade development and export-oriented economic transformation practice to provide reference.
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