[Abstract]:The first fund company in our country has been 14 years since its birth in 1998. The data show that the proportion of net fund value to A-share market value has risen from 1.81% in 1998 to 7.7% at the end of 2011. Securities investment funds have become one of the most important institutional investors in China. It has become an important topic to study the influence of institutional investors, especially securities investment funds, on the governance of listed companies and the performance of listed companies. Because of the heterogeneity among institutional investors, the results are more reliable. After analyzing different types of institutional investors, this paper selects securities investment funds as the research object, which enriches the research of institutional investors' influence on corporate governance and performance. It provides the basis for our country to establish the relevant policy of standardizing the behavior of institutional investors. Based on the data of three years from 2009-2011 to the listed companies with the list of the top 10 outstanding shareholders of the securities investment funds for three consecutive years, a multivariate regression model is established to analyze them empirically. To investigate the impact of its securities investment funds on the governance and performance of listed companies. The following three conclusions are obtained: taking agency cost as an alternative variable of corporate governance level, it is found that the higher the shareholding ratio of securities investment funds is, the lower the agency cost of listed companies is, and the better corporate governance is. Securities investment fund shares have a positive effect on corporate governance, and statistically significant. By using the latest social network analysis of (SNA) method, this paper analyzes the network of listed companies formed by the investment of securities investment funds. It is found that the degree of centrality of the network of listed companies is negatively correlated with the agency cost of the company and statistically significant. Therefore, the research shows that the agency cost is low and the corporate governance is better. Taking Tobin Q as the index to measure the value of the company, the empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the holding ratio of the securities investment fund and the company value. With the addition of the network index, the degree center coefficient is significantly positive, and the goodness of fit of the model is improved, which confirms the role of the network formed by the securities investment fund to improve the value of the company. It shows that considering the network factor is a useful supplement to the existing model. Securities investment fund shareholding will also have a significant impact on the company's performance. By selecting the total return on assets of the main business as dependent variable, it is found that the outstanding fund holding can significantly improve the performance level of listed companies, and the participation of funds can help the listed companies to obtain higher profits. In order to eliminate endogenicity, a simultaneous equation model was established. The results of simultaneous equation again confirm the positive effect of fund intervention as a major shareholder on corporate performance. At the same time, it is found that the securities investment fund chooses the excellent company to invest according to the company value and the performance choice.
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