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发布时间:2019-01-27 20:29
【摘要】:建设社会主义新农村,发展农村经济,缩小城乡差距,构建社会主义和谐社会是我党实现富民强国的重大举措。而农村经济的繁荣、农业基础设施的完善、农民收入的持续增长离不开金融的支持。所以,就目前农村经济发展的状况而言,研究农村信贷担保模式是解决农村融资难的客观需要,是加快社会主义新农村建设的现实需要。 从2008年被确立为全国唯一的农村金融综合改革试点县开始,广西田东县已经进行了四年多的农村金融改革,在农村信贷担保模式方面展开了深入探索。调研发现,目前田东县主要存在农村信贷担保公司模式、农村土地承包经营权抵押担保模式、林权抵押担保模式、联保模式等四类农村信贷担保模式。本研究以田东县农村信贷担保模式为研究对象,内容主要包括以下几个方面:一是介绍本研究的选题背景和研究意义。二是进行国内外信贷担保理论综述。三是田东县农村信贷担保现状分析,分别从农村信贷担保环境及农村信贷担保模式两个方面进行探讨。四是田东县农村信贷担保存在的问题分析,主要分析了田东县农村信贷担保的制约因素及各类农村信贷担保模式存在的具体问题。五是田东县农村信贷担保模式发展的建议研究,针对不同农村信贷担保模式提出了具体的建议措施。研究结果表明,田东县现行信贷担保模式各有优劣,对于不同的资金需求人群建议采用不同的信贷担保模式。同时,各类信贷担保模式在运行中都存在较多问题,需要管理部门、债权人、债务人及全社会一起努力去解决这些问题,从而推动该县农村信贷健康发展。
[Abstract]:Building a new socialist countryside, developing rural economy, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, and building a harmonious socialist society are important measures for our party to realize the prosperity and power of the people. The prosperity of rural economy, the improvement of agricultural infrastructure and the sustained growth of farmers' income can not be separated from financial support. Therefore, as far as the current situation of rural economic development is concerned, the study of rural credit guarantee mode is the objective need to solve the difficulty of rural financing and the practical need to speed up the construction of new socialist countryside. Since 2008, it has been established as the only pilot county of comprehensive rural financial reform in China. Tiandong County of Guangxi has carried out more than four years of rural financial reform, and has carried out in-depth exploration on the rural credit guarantee model. It is found that there are four kinds of rural credit guarantee models in Tiandong county at present: rural credit guarantee company mode, rural land contract management right mortgage guarantee mode, forest right mortgage guarantee mode, and protection mode. This research takes the rural credit guarantee model of Tiandong County as the research object, mainly includes the following aspects: first, it introduces the background and significance of this research. Second, the domestic and foreign credit guarantee theory review. The third is the analysis of the current situation of rural credit guarantee in Tiandong County, which is discussed from two aspects: rural credit guarantee environment and rural credit guarantee mode. The fourth is the analysis of the problems of rural credit guarantee in Tiandong County, mainly analyzing the restrictive factors of rural credit guarantee in Tiandong County and the concrete problems of various rural credit guarantee modes. Fifth, the research on the development of rural credit guarantee model in Tiandong County, and put forward some specific suggestions for different rural credit guarantee modes. The results show that the current credit guarantee models in Tiandong County have their own advantages and disadvantages, and different credit guarantee models are recommended for different fund demand groups. At the same time, there are many problems in the operation of all kinds of credit guarantee models, which need the management departments, creditors, debtors and the whole society to work together to solve these problems, so as to promote the healthy development of rural credit in this county.


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