本文关键词:CWP公司印度电力市场竞争战略研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:CWP, as a small and medium-sized utility boiler enterprise with rich equipment manufacturing experience, began to enter the international market in 2006. After the financial crisis in 2008, the international power market investment decreased sharply. CWP has focused on India, where economic growth is booming and power construction is lagging behind. It has done well in the brutal market competition. However, after 2012, we still face the problem of weak order decline. This paper takes the competition strategy of CWP India market as the research object. Based on the theory of strategic management and Porter's competitive strategy, firstly, from the domestic thermal power market demand compression, overcapacity contradiction highlights. The backward construction of Indian electricity and the huge demand of thermal power market emphasize the feasibility of CWP participating in Indian market competition. Secondly, in the analysis of external environment, the author from the resource structure, politics. The economic and legal aspects of India's macro environment analysis, pointing out that Sino-Indian relations are generally stable, Indian private enterprises involved in electricity investment opportunities for the market. As well as India's latest tariff policy and its economic slowdown, the adverse impact of the depreciation of the rupee against the dollar. This paper analyzes the market pattern of thermal power in India by using the five-force model, points out the advantages and disadvantages of the competitive enterprises, and lays a foundation for the choice of the competitive strategy of CWP. In the internal environment analysis, the author from the management qualification, the capital strength, the equipment manufacture ability, the technical strength. This paper discusses the internal strength of the enterprise from six aspects of marketing ability and relevant national support policies, and points out the shortcomings of CWP in the competition by comparing with the three power groups. Finally, with the help of SWOT analysis, the strategic system of the company is constructed. CWP is one of the top companies in the second echelon of domestic power equipment manufacturers. This paper studies the competitive strategy of Indian market. For other similar domestic enterprises to carry out overseas business ideas for reference.
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