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发布时间:2018-01-11 09:25

  本文关键词:《体坛周报》奥运报道演变研究 出处:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 体坛周报 奥运报道 头版 演变

【摘要】:新时期以来中国社会处于转型状态,受政治与经济环境的影响,大众的个体意识、权利意识、消费意识都在也不断提升,对信息的甄别能力也在提高,媒介与体育各自都与之前发生了巨大的改变。这一阶段的中国媒体市场化程度大幅度提高,真正从宣传向新闻转变,体育新闻也在这一阶段得到了长足发展,迅速成熟起来。但是伴随着十一届三中全会的召开、中国加入WTO、以及成功举办北京奥运会等重大事件的发生,体育媒体在新时期的特征并不能用市场化三个字简单概括,更体现出了不同的阶段特征。 《体坛周报》创刊于1988年,发展至今有近30年的历史,,是目前湖南省乃至全国范围内最具市场化、专业化特色的综合性体育类报纸,也是为数不多的从创刊到现在依然坚挺的体育媒体之一。作为一份标榜独立、体育至上的报纸,30年间《体坛周报》的报道展现出巨大的变化:不仅表现在报道技术上有了长足的进步,在更深层次上体现了中国社会的变迁。 本研究通过内容分析、抽样文本分析与定量分析相结合的方法,分析《体坛周报》自创刊以来奥运期间的头版报道,阐释其议程设置、价值取向、报道风格等方面的变化,并将其放置在当时的社会语境之中,尝试探究其中折射出的与社会政治、经济、文化密切相关的新时期大众传媒文本演变,从中可以窥见媒介文化随社会发展的大体发展脉络,并为国内体育报道的发展提供一些思路。
[Abstract]:Since the new era, Chinese society is in a state of transition, influenced by the political and economic environment, the individual consciousness, right consciousness, consumption consciousness of the masses are also constantly improving, and the ability of information screening is also improving. The media and sports have both changed greatly before. In this stage, the marketization of Chinese media has been greatly improved, the real change from propaganda to news, sports news has also been greatly developed in this stage. Maturing quickly. But with the third Plenary session of the 11th Central Committee, China joined the WTO and successfully hosted the Beijing Olympic Games and other major events. The characteristics of sports media in the new period can not be simply summed up with three words of marketization, but also reflect different stage characteristics. The Sports Weekly newspaper was founded in 1988 and has a history of nearly 30 years. It is the most market-oriented and specialized sports newspaper in Hunan Province and even the whole country at present. It is also one of the few sports media that has been strong ever since its inception. As an independent, sports-oriented newspaper. In the past 30 years, the report of Sports Weekly showed great changes, not only in the great progress of reporting technology, but also in the changes of Chinese society at a deeper level. Through the method of content analysis, sample text analysis and quantitative analysis, this study analyzes the front page reports during the Olympic Games period since the founding of Sports Weekly, and explains its agenda setting and value orientation. The change of reporting style, and put it in the social context at that time, try to explore the reflection of the social politics, economy, culture closely related to the evolution of the new era of mass media text. From this, we can see the general development of media culture with the development of society, and provide some ideas for the development of sports report in China.


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