本文关键词:语境视域下的英语经济新闻文本汉译实践报告 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着中国国力的不断提升,中国逐渐参与到更多的世界经济活动中。中国以开放的姿态迎接世界的怀抱,积极参与世界各国间的政治经济文化交流。在这个信息传递的过程中,报刊媒体发挥了不可忽视的作用。报刊媒体以其信息承载量大,报道详实内容深刻而受到众多读者喜爱。在这其中,经济新闻更是有其独特的个性。 近年来,翻译中的语境化问题不断受到学者的关注。语境在翻译过程中发挥了很大的促进与制约作用。一方面,语境能够帮助译者以正确的方式解读作者的意图;另一方面,作者与译者间不对等的语境也为译者理解原文带来障碍。 《经济学人》是一份拥有百余年历史的经济类周刊。之所以选择《经济学人》为翻译实践的材料,是因为自创刊至今《经济学人》一直保持其独特的风格不变,即语言睿智犀利,文风朴实,行文严谨而不失诙谐幽默之处,幽默的同时语言又不缺乏力度。 本文以语境理论为指导,以《经济学人》所选文本为翻译实践语料,重点分析所选英语新闻文本的汉译得失,探讨语境理论的指导下英语新闻文本的汉译策略。
[Abstract]:With the China strength increasing, Chinese gradually participate in more economic activities in the world. China with an open attitude to meet the world's arms, actively participate in the political economic and cultural exchanges between the countries in the world. In the process of information transmission, the media played a role can not be ignored. The media with its information capacity large, deep and detailed content reported by many readers. In this one, the economic news has its unique personality.
In recent years, the problem of context in translation constantly attracted the attention of scholars. Context play a great role in promoting and constraints in the process of translation. On the one hand, the context can help the translator intention in the right way of the author; on the other hand, between the translator and the author does not such context for the translator to understand the obstacles.
The economist is a hundred year history of economic weekly. The economist for the translation of the material, since founded the economist has maintained its unique style unchanged, namely language wise sharp, simple style, the rigorous and witty humor, humor at the same time the language and lack of strength.
Guided by contextual theory and taking the selected text of < < economist > > as corpus of translation practice, this paper focuses on analyzing the gains and losses of the translation of selected English news texts, and explores the strategies of translating Chinese news texts into English under the guidance of context theory.
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