本文关键词:1949-1965年上海服装业发展研究 出处:《东华大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:1949-1965年上海服装业在中国服装史上占有举足轻重的地位。研究当时上海服装业的发展,不仅对历史研究有所贡献,而且对当今上海服装业的转型发展、打造世界时尚之都均有一定的参考价值。本论文以1949-1965年为时间界限,从服装史学的角度出发,以历史资料为依据,借鉴产业经济学的相关理论,从产业结构、产业组织、产业布局、产业关联和产业发展五方面梳理与分析当时服装业的经济成分、管理机构、企业分布、供产销关系及生产技术、产品品类、贸易发展等方面的内容。得出结论如下: 1.政治、经济和社会等因素直接影响着主流服装的变化。建国后随着社会风气的转变,西服、旗袍逐渐退出人们的生活,取而代之的是人民装、列宁装、中山装的流行。 2.该时期上海服装业生产资料实现了由私有制向公有制的转变。上海服装业私人资本主义经济通过“公私合营”转化为国家资本主义经济再逐步向全民所有制转化。上海服装业个体经济通过“合作社”形式转化为集体所有制经济最后转化为全民所有制的国营企业。 3.该时期上海服装业的组织管理机构形成了“局-公司-企业”三级管理模式。 4.上海服装业生产和管理纳入国家计划轨道后,生产经营从无计划变得有计划。产业组织形态由以竞争为主转变为以合作为主。企业间合作增多,有利于资源的合理配置,但同时导致企业自主性和灵活性丧失,不利于服装业的长期发展。 5.服装企业区域布局主要受地理位置、自然因素和社会因素的影响。由于经济发展程度高、自然环境优越和人口密度大,服装工厂和合作社在厂址选择上基本上选在市区较为中心的位置。该时期服装企业多分布于黄浦区及其毗邻区域。靠近郊区的区域,只有少数合作社分布,没有规模大的服装厂。 6.该时期国家介入服装业原料采购和成品销售过程,服装企业丧失自主采购原料和自由销售的权利。 7.技术革新运动后,上海服装业在裁剪、缝纫和整烫等方面的技术都有提高。服装业从业人员通过革新生产工具,提高了劳动生产率,促进了服装业的经济增长。 8.五十年代,由于原材料供应紧缺导致服装产品花色品种由繁向简,质量由高变低。到六十年代经济逐步恢复,产品质量有所回升。 9.服装出口销往地区与国家的外交关系密切相关。五十年代与苏联等社会主义国家交好,该时期出口主要针对社会主义国家;六十年代随着中苏关系恶化,服装出口转向资本主义国家。
[Abstract]:Shanghai garment industry played an important role in the history of Chinese clothing from 1949 to 1965. To study the development of Shanghai garment industry at that time not only contributed to the historical study. And it has certain reference value for the transformation and development of the clothing industry in Shanghai and the creation of the fashion capital of the world. This paper takes 1949-1965 as the time limit, from the perspective of clothing history. On the basis of historical data and using the relevant theories of industrial economics for reference, this paper combs and analyzes the economic components of clothing industry at that time from five aspects: industrial structure, industrial organization, industrial layout, industrial association and industrial development. Management organization, enterprise distribution, relationship between production and marketing, production technology, product category, trade development, etc. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Political, economic and social factors have a direct impact on the changes of mainstream clothing. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, with the change of social atmosphere, suit and cheongsam gradually withdrew from people's life and replaced by people's clothing and Lenin's suit. The popularity of Chinese tunics. 2. In this period, the means of production of clothing industry in Shanghai changed from private ownership to public ownership. The individual economy of the clothing industry in Shanghai is transformed into a state-owned enterprise under the ownership of the whole people through the form of "cooperative". 3. In this period, the organization and management organization of Shanghai garment industry formed the "bureau-company-enterprise" three-level management mode. 4. After the production and management of Shanghai garment industry were brought into the orbit of the national plan, the production and operation changed from unplanned to planned. The form of industrial organization changed from competition to cooperation, and the cooperation between enterprises increased. It is beneficial to the rational allocation of resources, but it also leads to the loss of enterprise autonomy and flexibility, which is not conducive to the long-term development of clothing industry. 5. The regional layout of garment enterprises is mainly affected by geographical location, natural factors and social factors. Due to the high level of economic development, the natural environment is superior and the population density is large. Clothing factories and cooperatives basically choose the central position in the urban area. In this period, clothing enterprises were mostly distributed in Huangpu District and its adjacent areas. In the areas near the suburbs, only a few cooperatives were distributed. There is no large garment factory. 6. During this period, the state intervened in the procurement of raw materials and the sale of finished products in the garment industry, and garment enterprises lost the right to purchase raw materials and sell them freely. 7. After the technological innovation movement, the Shanghai clothing industry has improved in cutting, sewing and ironing, etc. The workers in the clothing industry have improved their labor productivity by innovating their production tools. Promoted the economic growth of the clothing industry. In 50s, due to the shortage of raw material supply, the variety of clothing products changed from complexity to simplicity, and the quality changed from high to low. In 60s, the economy gradually recovered, and the quality of clothing products rebounded. 9. the export of clothing to the region is closely related to the diplomatic relations of the country. In 50s, it was friendly with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries. In that period, the export was mainly aimed at the socialist countries; In 60s, with the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations, clothing exports turned to capitalist countries.
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