本文关键词:越南皇族禅宗思想研究 出处:《广西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:历史进入二十一世纪,佛学禅宗,具有更为广阔的发展空间。在当今社会中,一方面随着社会经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断地提高,对传统文化的求知欲越来越强烈。另一方面,现代人的生活、工作、学习压力在前所未有地增大,人生的迷茫和苦恼也在加深。很多人在面对复杂的人事纷争时十分困惑,因此佛理禅学又重新回到了人们的生活中,成为当今的一门显学。越南皇族禅宗思想也重新引起人们的关注。这里的“皇家禅”是指李陈皇朝的皇帝皇族。这些人物在佛学方面是优秀的研究者。他们不仅知道、学道、行道,而且讲道、得道、开道、说道和传道,他们对禅宗的思想很了解。他们推动禅宗的发展,推行禅宗的哲学,使对禅宗思想的研究系统化、理论化。越南佛教开始是从印度传入,后来接受中国禅宗思想,所以越南禅宗受印度与中国禅宗思想所影响,由此逐渐形成了独具国家特色的佛教思想。而越南皇族禅宗思想便是越南佛教思想中的重要组成部分,对越南政治、经济、文化等方面都产生了深远的影响,尤其是在哲学、思想道德、宗教方面更是刻下了不可磨灭的禅学烙印。印度禅宗思想主要是:无常、生灭、寂灭、法、悟、心的观念,解脱、缘起、知见、真性的学说。中国禅宗思想主要是:心性、见性、佛性学说,念佛、心为根本、本来无事,无念、渐修与顿悟思想。越南皇族禅宗思想(Vietnam's royal zen thought)在继承印度、中国佛教思想的同时,也融合儒家与道教的思想。当时,佛教是越南的国教,国家以“国王十戒”(十王法)思想统领全国,但在此时,禅宗思想已经深入民心,“帝王禅”便由此形成,国家大臣对佛教禅宗深有研究,所以,对国民甚至外来敌人都以慈悲和宽容的态度来对待。越南李陈皇朝时期,社会上的知识分子,学术界有学问学力的人,还有有权力、能力的人,都不是普通的人,那主要是皇家贵族的人。越南是一个普通的国家,可是在历史上,越南是一个非常流行英雄主义的国家。越南佛子特别自豪的是越南的禅学,不仅有中国禅的传入,还有毗尼多流之派、无言通派、草堂禅派以及本土的其他禅宗流派的传入融合,这就组成了陈朝时期的竹林禅派。在中国,慧能被奉为中国南宗初祖,那么陈仁宗也该被奉为越南竹林初祖。而中国佛教禅宗思想传到越南之后,得到了越南人民的重视和接受,所以在其文化认知、道德、思想、文学方面,也随中国禅宗思想的发展而发展、盛行。禅宗思想得到知识分子的接受和研究(分子的接受和研究),因为佛理禅学是高深的思想,如果没有意志,没有一定的学力水平,就学不到禅宗。所以,普通的人,只会念经拜佛而已。有慧根聪明的人才能研究、实行,所以禅学就不是下根而学得,至少要上根、中根以上还有要真正求学,实心求道的人才会相信这种深奥的思想,如来佛祖2600多年前修行禅定,而达到大禅定的境界,并达到觉悟究竟,得到佛果。越南皇族禅宗思想的基本内容包括:“四禅”说与心法、生死;“心印”说与“见性”、“迷悟”思想;“无言”和“心通”说与“净戒”思想;念佛与坐禅与实行十善,心学与忏悔。越南皇族禅宗思想主要特征是:禅教一致、三教融合、民族化和世俗化、入世精神政治化、受到净土宗和密宗的影响。皇族禅宗反映出越南社会历史、文化道德、宗教特点,同时,也对现代世界禅宗有一定的影响,也能为现代世界禅宗提供参考。越南皇族禅宗思想对越南的历史影响深远,一方面促进了民族独立、自立自强,推动文化的发展,对构建社会人际关系的和谐起了重要作用,这是积极影响;另一方面因为越南皇族禅宗贵族化,使得国家统治者与教团之间的关系过于密切,在越南大多数僧侣都享有免除赋税的权力,这样使得寺院形成一股社会势力,这些食邑和田奴以及拥有寺田、徭役的特权,被一些人滥用权力以享受。另外还有不少人利用宗教信仰做一种迷信异端活动,滥用信仰以迷惑群众,使禅宗思想变得混乱,这是消极影响。越南皇族禅宗运用佛教精神保卫国家的独立完整成为一种精神力量,以民间宗教的姿态发展而变得世俗化。越南皇族禅宗思想成为非物质文化的遗产,为了发展国家的经济和丰富民族文化遗产宝藏做出了一份贡献。运用佛教精神以保卫国家独立与提高民族认同感,从而护国安民,促使越南各地佛教组织的成立,推动了佛教教育与研究的发展,这是越南皇族禅宗思想的现代意义。
[Abstract]:Entered the twenty-first Century, Zen Buddhism, has a broader space for development. In today's society, on the one hand, with the development of social economy, people's living standard continues to improve, more and more intense desire for knowledge of traditional culture. On the other hand, modern people's life, work, learning pressure increases in the hitherto unknown. The lost of life and distress also deepened. Many people in the face of complex disputes is very confused, so Zen Buddhism returned to the people's life, become a popular today. The Vietnamese Zen Royal again aroused people's concern. Here the "Royal Zen" refers to Li Chen Dynasty Emperor the royal family. These characters are good researchers in Buddhism. They not only know the school road, road, and said, God, out of the way, and said they preach, the Zen thought very understanding. They promote the Zen In the development, implementation of Zen philosophy, to study the system of Zen thought and theory. The Vietnamese Buddhism began to be introduced from India, later accepted Chinese Zen, so the Vietnamese Zen influenced by India and Chinese Zen Buddhism, thus gradually formed the unique national characteristics. While Vietnamese Zen is royal is an important component of the Vietnamese Buddhism ideology, political economy in Vietnam, and had a far-reaching influence culture, especially in philosophy, ethics, religion is without an indelible imprint. India Zen Zen studies are mainly: impermanence, birth and death, Nirvana, method, enlightenment the heart of the concept, origin, relief, perception, true doctrine. China Zen thought mainly is: mind, see, the Buddha Buddha, as the fundamental theory, the heart, had nothing to do, no thought, gradually repair and insight thought. Vietnamese Zen (Royal Viet Nam's Royal Zen Thought) in succession in India, China Buddhism at the same time, but also the integration of Confucianism and Taoism thought. At that time, Buddhism is the state religion of the country in Vietnam, "king of the Ten Commandments" (ten order) to guide the country, but at the same time, Zen has caught, "King Zen" is thus formed. Secretary of state had a deep study of Zen Buddhism and so on, and even foreign enemies with national compassion and tolerant attitude towards Vietnam. Li Chen Dynasty period, the society of intellectuals, academic learning ability, and have the power and ability of people, are not ordinary people, that is the royal family people. Vietnam is a normal country, but in the history of Vietnam is a very popular country. The heroism of Vietnam especially proud Vietnamese Zen, not only introduced China Zen, there are many Lumbini flow, without words Through school, other schools into Zen Zen cottage and indigenous fusion, this is part of the Chen Dynasty bamboo Zen. In China, Huineng was regarded as China Chuzu so Chen Renzong is the founder, was regarded as the Chuzu. After Vietnam Vietnam bamboo and China Buddhism spread to the Vietnamese people. The attention and acceptance, so in the cultural cognition, morality, ideology, literature, with the development of Chinese Zen thought and the development of Zen thought and research are popular. Accept the intellectuals (acceptance and research molecules), because the Buddhist Zen is a profound idea, if there is no will, without a certain academic level. Can't learn Zen. So, ordinary people will only have chanting Buddha. People can study wisdom clever implementation, so it is not the root of Zen learned, at least on the root, root and above to really study, solid For the person would believe such profound thought, Buddha 2600 years ago to practice meditation, meditation realm, and reach the consciousness of what are the basic content of Buddhahood. Vietnamese Royal Zen thought include: "four Zen" said death and heart method; "koan" and "see", "fan Wu" thought; "silent" and "heart" and "precepts" thought; Buddha and meditation and the implementation of ten good psychology and repentance. The main features of the Vietnamese Zen: Zen is the royal family, the integration of three, nationalization and secularization, the spirit of political, affected by land Zong and Tantric. Royal Zen reflects the Vietnamese social history, culture, religion, meanwhile, has certain influence on the modern world of Zen, it can also provide the reference for the modern world. The history of Zen Zen on Royal shadow Vietnam Vietnam far-reaching, on the one hand To promote national independence, self-reliance, promote cultural development, played an important role in constructing the social harmonious interpersonal relationship, which is a positive impact; on the other hand, because the Vietnamese Zen royal nobility, the relationship between the state and the ruler is too closely in the southern most monks are entitled to exempt from taxation power, which makes the the formation of a social force, the Shi Yi and Tian Si Tian slave and have the privilege of corvee, abuse of power, by some people to enjoy. In addition, there are a lot of people by religious superstition heresy activities, abuse of faith to confuse the masses, the Zen thought becomes confused, this is the negative influence of Vietnam Royal. The independent spirit of Zen Buddhism to defend the country become a spiritual force, attitude to the development of folk religion and become secularized. Vietnamese Zen Royal become intangible culture The heritage, in order to develop the national economy and the rich cultural heritage treasures and make a contribution. The spirit of Buddhism to safeguard national independence and enhance the sense of national identity, thus protecting the prompted Vietnam around the Buddhist organization, promote the development of education and the study of Buddhism, this is the modern Royal Vietnamese Zen thought.
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