本文关键词: 日语新闻的交替传译 目的论 口译标准 口译方法与策略 出处:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Today, the exchange of information between countries has become increasingly important in Japan as a narrow strip of water, has a long history of communication. Now, with the development of the times, the two countries in political, economic, cultural and other fields of science and technology, the communication will become more and more closely. Through various activities we can get all kinds of information in Japan, can be said that in the current situation and obtain information in Japan, there is no news faster way, so we can through the translation of news in Japan, Japan will be introduced to Chinese, Promoting Sino Japanese friendly Sino Japanese cooperation in various fields. In addition, for Japanese learners can the Japanese news in order to effectively improve the level of Japanese. The Japanese news, can indirectly contact with the Japanese society, to understand the various aspects of the situation in Japan, at the same time, different with the traditional way of learning, Get the latest news from the vocabulary, understand to the broader field of knowledge, these are no textbooks, can greatly improve the learners' interest in learning. This thesis is a Japanese news translation practice report, the Japanese news reports as the research object, in interpreting 8 students help, take the alternate test Chinese translation in Japanese news translation form. The combination of Skopos Theory and interpreting the standard and main problems of the students in the experimental process of interpretation analysis, find the methods and Strategies of Japanese news translation. In this interpretation in the course of the experiment, the students have problems Digital: translation errors, noun translation errors, missing translation and Mistranslation long sentences, translation of common expression, habits lead to the problem of accent and personal expression, background knowledge is not sufficient to lead to a problem, interpreting notes to ask By simply analyzing the above questions and referring to relevant information, the author summarizes the following solutions to deal with the problems encountered in interpreting experiments: improving language skills, supplementing background knowledge, improving the predictability of news content, and finding out suitable interpreting methods.
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