本文关键词: 城市 城市建设管理 政府职能 鄂尔多斯市城市核心区 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In today's society, urban construction management is an important engine of urban development, how to do a good job of urban construction management, and promote the overall development of the city. Urban construction management includes administrative management, economic management, legal management, ecological construction management, cultural management and other aspects. In the environment of the national economic system reform, the transformation of government functions has become the key to the perfection of urban construction management. In 2004, Ordos city in the accelerated development of urban construction under consideration. The new Kangbashi district has expanded the urban core area, which is planned to cover an area of 32 square kilometers, 25 km from Dongsheng and 5 km from the town of Aletenne, Ikinhoro Banner. The three places together form the urban core area and become the political, economic, cultural, educational and scientific research center of Ordos city. In the process of development, the urban core area of Ordos city has encountered some rapid development. The transformation of government functions is not in place and unreasonable urban planning leads to the uncoordinated layout of central urban areas. This paper starts with the functions and responsibilities of the government in urban construction management and starts with the related concepts of urban construction management. Based on the theory of municipal management and the theory of urban governance, this paper analyzes the actual situation and specific problems of urban construction management in Ordos. At the same time, according to the specific examples of urban construction management at home and abroad. This paper puts forward some suggestions on urban construction management in Ordos city, hoping to provide some meaningful suggestions for the city manager in Ordos city in the process of urban construction management.
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