发布时间:2018-02-15 11:17
本文关键词: 新时期 农村基层民主 举措 出处:《吉林农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:农村基层民主建设是中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的重要内容。自新中国成立以来,党和国家一直都高度重视基层民主建设,并且将促进基层民主建设,保障人民群众享受更为广泛的民主权利作为加强社会主义民主建设的有机组成部分。现阶段,我国的农村基层民主建设已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩,在促进农村地区经济发展的同时,也维护了农村地区的社会稳定。但是,由于我国在农村基层民主建设方面起步还比较晚,同时还受到了政治、经济、文化以及社会等方面因素的制约,目前我国的农村基层民主建设仍旧存在着诸多问题,需要我们深入探讨,寻找切实可行的解决措施。 本文以马克思列宁主义的民主理论为基础,以现阶段我国农村基层民主发展为主线,采用了文献和实证分析法,力求从理论与实践两个层面来阐述我国农村基层民主建设的发展历程,论述了目前我国农村基层民主建设所取得的成就以及存在的问题,分析了影响农村基层民主建设的因素,并且有针对性提出了解决措施。 本文共分为四个部分:第一部分绪论,主要介绍了论文的研究背景、研究的目的和意义、研究现状、基本方法以及创新点。第二部分新时期农村基层民主建设概述,主要内容是农村基层民主内涵及内容,,经典作家的相关论述以及我国农村基层民主的发展历程。第三部分新时期农村基层民主建设的现状及其问题分析,主要是内容是新时期农村基层民主建设取得的成就、新时期农村基层民主建设存在的问题、影响农村基层民主建设的因素。最后一部分加强新时期农村基层民主建设的对策,主要内容是农村基层民主建设的总体思想、加强农村基层民主发展的制度建设、改进基层组织的工作作风、推动农村地区的经济发展和提高农村群众的整体素质。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of New China, the Party and the state have always attached great importance to the building of grass-roots democracy, and will promote the construction of grass-roots democracy. Ensuring the masses to enjoy more extensive democratic rights is an organic part of strengthening socialist democratic construction. At the present stage, remarkable achievements have been made in the rural grass-roots democratic construction in China. While promoting economic development in rural areas, it has also maintained social stability in rural areas. However, since our country started relatively late in building democracy at the grass-roots level in rural areas, at the same time it has also been subjected to politics and economy. With the restriction of culture and society, there are still many problems in the construction of rural democracy at the grass-roots level in our country, which need to be discussed in depth and practical solutions should be found. Based on the Marxism-Leninist theory of democracy and taking the development of grass-roots democracy in rural areas as the main line, this paper adopts literature and empirical analysis. This paper tries to expound the development course of the rural grass-roots democratic construction from the two aspects of theory and practice, discusses the achievements and existing problems of the rural grass-roots democratic construction at present, and analyzes the factors that affect the rural grass-roots democratic construction. And has pointed out the solution measure. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part of the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, research purpose and significance, research status, basic methods and innovative points. The main content is the connotation and content of rural grass-roots democracy, the relevant exposition of classical writers and the development course of rural grass-roots democracy in China. The third part is the analysis of the current situation and problems of rural grass-roots democracy construction in the new period. The main contents are the achievements of the rural grass-roots democratic construction in the new period, the problems existing in the rural grass-roots democratic construction in the new period, and the factors affecting the rural grass-roots democratic construction. The last part is the countermeasures to strengthen the rural grass-roots democratic construction in the new period. The main content is the overall thought of rural grass-roots democratic construction, strengthening the system construction of rural grass-roots democratic development, improving the work style of grass-roots organizations, promoting the economic development of rural areas and improving the overall quality of rural people.
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