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发布时间:2018-02-27 00:20

  本文关键词: 中国共产党 印度 政党外交 出处:《南亚研究季刊》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:After the Cold War, the Communist Party of China has made some achievements in the diplomacy of political parties in India, but there are still some shortcomings. Accordingly, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: first, in terms of strategic thinking, we should enhance our understanding of the overall strategy of Indian political parties' diplomacy, and set up a short term. The second is to promote the establishment of the high-level bilateral exchange mechanism between the Chinese and Indian political parties by strengthening the communication with the people's Party of India as a breakthrough point in the construction of the bilateral exchange mechanism of the political parties. Third, in terms of promoting exchanges with state-level political parties, through the existing network of Sino-Indian friendly states and cities, the emphasis is on building a connection between the western region's provinces and the important state-level political parties in India. Under the leadership of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the "Great Development of the West" strategy, the political, economic, and cultural cooperation between the western region and the states in which Indian political parties are located is promoted; fourthly, the platforms of regional multilateral political party organizations and international political party organizations are utilized. To promote the exchanges and cooperation between the political parties of China and India at the level of regional and global governance, and to promote the development of the overall diplomacy between China and India.
【作者单位】: 四川大学公共管理学院;四川大学南亚研究所;
【基金】:中国博士后科学基金第60批面上项目(2016M602679) 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费研究专项项目(skqy201637)的阶段性成果


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