本文选题:流行语 切入点:社会世相 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Language is the product of human social activities, and the change of social development is also hidden in language expression. Among them, the most sensitive reflection of the changes in national life and social psychology are popular words. Catchwords are often referred to as the mirror of social development and change. By studying Japanese catchwords, we can not only enrich the language knowledge of Japanese learners, but also examine the implied social phases. On the basis of social psychology and national value orientation, we can also have a deeper understanding of modern Japan's politics, economy, culture and the way of life and thinking of its people. There have been many changes in many aspects of society. Therefore, this paper takes the popular phrase 21th century, that is, the first ten buzzwords from 2000 to 2015, as the research object. Based on the first research in this field between China and Japan, this paper clarifies the reasons for the emergence of catchwords, and examines the social situation and the psychological state of the Japanese people reflected in them in connection with the social dynamics. This study is based on 160 catchwords. On the basis of linguistic research, this paper investigates the various aspects of Japanese society from the angles of sociology and social psychology. From the frequent occurrence of political movements and political scandals, we can see the people's distrust of politics and the intensification of contradictions between "officials" and "the people." in economic terms, it can be seen that the state of the country's economic depression is continuing. As well as the loss of trust in the enterprise and the dissatisfaction of members. In social life, one can understand that the deviations in all aspects of national life are widening. In sports, one can see the strong interest of the Japanese in sports. And the inspiration of sports to people's confidence and hope. From the words of celebrities, we can see that Japanese people are curious about new things, and respect for different ways of life. In terms of entertainment, Popular words that are relevant to women and have positive meanings appear frequently, thus it can be understood that the social status of women is gradually improving. Based on further investigation of the above social conditions, we can find that there is dissatisfaction and expectation about politics. The economic view of consumption, the pursuit of equality, the unyielding character, the respect for new things and the sense of equal rights between men and women are rooted in the social psychology of the Japanese. The study of catchwords is of great significance. It would be a great honor for the author to help Japanese learners in the process of understanding Japanese society by deepening the mutual understanding between China and Japan.
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