本文选题:新华日报 切入点:战争动员 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:During the War of Resistance against Japan, "news to save the nation" became the strongest voice of the press in the form of wartime, and the news industry took on the important task of guiding the propaganda of public opinion during the war, and many newspapers came into being in the baptism of the war. War mobilization has become the subject of press activities. In the years of war, the press has always stood at the height of national and national interests. Mobilizing the public to support the War of Resistance until victory became the main theme at that time. "Xinhua Daily" was the first large national daily newspaper established by the Chinese Communists during the War of Resistance against Japan. It is also the only official newspaper of the Communist Party of China that has been published and published publicly in the areas under the control of the Kuomintang. In that era of gunfire and gunfire, all the members of the "Xinhua Daily" uphold the founding purpose and mobilization concept of "unify the War of Resistance against Japan, Save the Nation and Save the people." We tried our best to interpret the Chinese Communist Party's stand on the War of Resistance against Japan, mobilize all manpower, material and financial resources, and push the War of Resistance against Japan to a final victory. In the dimension of political mobilization, the Xinhua Daily has always stood in the political position of safeguarding the anti-Japanese national United front. Actively propagate the CPC's anti-Japanese proposal, mobilize the general public to join the army and join the war, and guide the public to understand the prospects of the War of Resistance rationally; in the dimension of economic mobilization, the "Xinhua Daily" focuses on industrial production and rural economic construction, and calls on the public to practise economy. Increase the national savings, strengthen the public's consciousness of buying national debt, plan the campaign of donation and donation, in order to supplement the shortage of front-line soldiers and materials, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion for the consolidation of the foundation of the War of Resistance against Japan; In the dimension of national spiritual mobilization, the Xinhua Daily skillfully reported the victory and defeat of the front lines, actively wrote about the prospects of the War of Resistance against Japan, and interpreted the political, economic and diplomatic difficulties of the enemy country. Enhancing the confidence and determination to win the war between the army and the people. The concept of war mobilization of the "Xinhua Daily" is very consistent with its founding tenet. The mobilization content is close to the reality of the life of the object of appeal, and the contents and characteristics of the "Xinhua Daily" war mobilization are investigated in many dimensions. It has important reference value and realistic significance for the party media to guide the public opinion effectively in the new period.
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