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发布时间:2018-03-29 09:28

  本文选题: 切入点:诚信 出处:《华中师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For thousands of years, good faith, as one of the "five permanent members" of Confucianism, is the code of conduct and moral code of the Chinese nation, and has made great contributions to the social progress and cultural development of the Chinese nation. The lack of honesty and credit has become a serious social problem in our country at present. It has seriously damaged the social atmosphere in our country, affected the social stability of our country and the normal operation of the socialist market economy, and weakened our country's international competitiveness. In contrast, the culture of honesty and credit in the West is becoming more and more strong and stable. The main reason for this is that the integrity of China is moral integrity and is a kind of personal morality. The existence of virtue depends on the individual's moral cultivation, and its existence is unstable, and the honesty of the west is the integrity of the contract, which is incorporated into the western system, law, culture, religion and art as a public principle. It has a solid secular foundation to guide people's behavior in every aspect of daily life. This paper takes the origin and development of the western contract honesty as the research object, and discusses how the contract honesty affects all aspects of the western society. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the origin of the covenant-the covenant in the Bible and its connotation. Through the four important parts in the Bible, The covenant explores the origin of the western contract and the inner spirit of the contract, although at this time the covenant is only a concept within a religious category. But by this time it already had the capitalist spirit of reason, freedom, equality and so on, and these spirit of contract spread gradually with religion as the medium. The second part is the development of "covenant"-the theory of social contract. The theory of social contract is the embodiment of the spiritual development of "covenant" into the field of social politics. Here, through Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, The analysis of Rawls' theory of social contract illustrates the continuous development and perfection of the spirit of contract in the field of political thought. The third part is the influence of the covenant on the western society. Three aspects of daily life are to explain how the spirit of contract guides westerners' thinking and behavior through institutional, legal, economic, and customary aspects. The fourth part is the enlightenment of the Treaty to the construction of honesty and credit in contemporary China. Since this article focuses on drawing lessons from the western contract culture of good faith, it is mainly from the three angles of culture, institution and law. Combined with the reality of China to provide suggestions for the construction of China's current integrity culture.


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