本文选题:口译 + 目的论 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:21世纪,随着政治、经济与文化的不断发展,世界正在变成一个地球村。口译作为国际交流与合作的重要途径,在跨文化交际中起着越来越重要的作用。综合来看,口译过程不仅是一种语言活动,同时更是一种文化活动,是一个跨文化传播的过程,文化差异对口译的影响是根本性的。鉴于此,从文化视角来分析、研究口译,无论对口译理论还是口译实践的发展都有着极为重要的意义。 目的论认为,翻译是一种有目的的人类活动,翻译目的决定整个翻译方法和策略,而译文能否实现翻译的目的是译文的重要标准。在目的论看来,一个译文的产生要受到对应的社会、文化和历史等因素的制约,译文取得的目的的差异必然会导致同一文本在翻译过程中有不同的侧重点。 本文试图探讨目的论视角下汉英口译中的文化差异问题,并分析如何运用一些翻译策略和技巧解决这些差异。全文大致分为五个部分。第一部分首先简述课题的研究背景,研究目的和意义,研究方法以及整体结构划分。第二部分介绍目的论的基本概念和发展,阐述目的论的三大原则和其特点,探讨目的论的意义。第三部分介绍口译的类型和特点及相关研究,分析了文化、语言和口译三者之间的关联,探讨了口译中的文化因素和其造成的困难。第五部分在分析和探讨的基础上用大量翔实的实例证明目的论可以用来指导口译中文化因素的处理,并提出译者可以灵活地运用异化、归化策略以及音译、借用等口译技巧来处理汉英口译中的文化差异。最后一部分总结了本论文的贡献以及存在的不足之处,并对以后的研究提出了一些建议。 本文论证了口译是一种具有目的性、人际性的跨文化交际活动。目的论可应用于口译。口译策略主要是由口译的目的决定的。本文总结了口译中文化因素的翻译策略,并强调口译议员应灵活运用口译策略。
[Abstract]:In twenty-first Century, with the continuous development of politics, economy and culture, the world is becoming a global village. As an important way of interpreting international exchanges and cooperation, plays an increasingly important role in cross-cultural communication. In general, the process of interpretation is not only a linguistic activity, but also is a kind of cultural activities, is a cross-cultural communication process, the influence of cultural difference on interpretation is fundamental. In view of this, analysis, study of interpretation from the perspective of culture, regardless of the interpreting theory and practice development has a very important significance.
According to skopos theory, translation is a purposeful human activity, the purpose of translation determines the translation methods and strategies, and the translation can achieve the purpose of translation is an important standard of translation. In view of Skopos theory, a translation should be generated corresponding to the social, cultural and historical constraints and other factors, the differences in translation the purpose will inevitably lead to the same text have different emphases in the process of translation.
This paper tries to explore the objective theory from the perspective of cultural differences in Chinese English interpretation, and analysis of how to use some translation strategies and techniques to solve these differences. This article is divided into five parts. The first part firstly introduces the research background of the topic, the research purpose and significance, research methods and the overall structure. The second part introduces the basic concept and the development of Skopos theory, the three principles of Skopos Theory and expounds its characteristics, to explore the significance of the theory. The third part introduces the types and characteristics of related research and interpretation, analysis and interpretation of language culture, relationship between the three, discusses the cultural factors in interpretation and the difficulties caused by the fifth part. A large number of examples prove that skopos theory can be used to deal with the cultural factors in the interpretation guidance based on analysis and study, and proposes that the translator can flexibly use foreignization, domestication And transliteration, borrowing and other interpreting techniques to deal with cultural differences in Chinese English interpretation. The last part summarizes the contributions and shortcomings of this thesis, and puts forward some suggestions for future research.
This interpretation is a purposeful cross-cultural communication, interpersonal. Skopos theory can be applied to interpreting. Interpreting strategies are mainly determined by the purpose of interpretation. This paper summarizes the interpretation of cultural factors in translation strategies, and stressed that the interpreter should use flexible interpreting strategies.
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