本文选题:十九世纪 + 战争题目 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:十九世纪是维吾尔文学发展的一个新阶段。这期间维吾尔文学不仅在思想和风格方面不断更新,,而且在形式和内容上更加丰富。十九世纪维吾尔文学用现实主义创作方式生动地描述出当时社会现实状况和背景,并且突出生命主题。同时,该时期文学因具有浓郁的公众性和独特性,区别于其它文学发展时期。因此十九世纪维吾尔文学集中体现了当时人的意志和价值观,并树立了人们的圣典。并产生了很多经典作品 伴随此时期维吾尔民族面临的政治、经济等社会问题的不断产生,“战争”题材作品逐渐体现出日益增强的民族意识、民族情感、民族心理。这篇论文通过分析此时期“战争”题材作品的创作原因、思想内容、悲剧意识以及叙述特征,即叙述立场和叙述模式等方面的独特性,指出“战争”题材作品对十九世纪文学的影响,从而进一步阐述十九世纪维吾尔文学特征。 该论文将分三章写成: 第一章:在概括十九世纪后半叶维吾尔文学的独特性的基础上,分析此时期“战争”题材作品。 第二章:在分析“战争”题材作品思想内容的前提下,探究战争题目来源,进而挖掘作品的悲剧意识及悲剧审美特征。 第三章:针对“战争”题材作品的叙述特征,即叙述传统,叙述立场,叙述模式,审美特征展开分析,从而阐述此种叙述特征对十九世纪维吾尔文学的影响。 本文通过对十九世纪“战争”题材作品的深入分析,既发现了此种题材作品在整个维吾尔文学史上的开创性地位,又发现了其对整个十九世纪维吾尔文学的重大影响。
[Abstract]:The nineteenth century is a new stage in the development of Uygur literature. During this period, Uygur literature was not only updated in thought and style, but also enriched in form and content. Uyghur literature in the nineteenth century vividly describes the social reality and background and highlights the theme of life. At the same time, the literature of this period is different from other periods of literary development because of its strong public nature and uniqueness. Therefore, the 19 th century Uygur literature embodied the people's will and values, and set up the people's sacred code. And produced a lot of classics. With the emergence of political, economic and other social problems faced by the Uyghur people in this period, the theme of "War" gradually reflects the increasing national consciousness, national emotion and national psychology. This paper analyzes the reasons, ideological content, tragic consciousness and narrative characteristics of "War" works of this period, namely, the uniqueness of narrative stand and narrative mode, etc. This paper points out the influence of War works on the literature of the nineteenth century, and further expounds the characteristics of Uygur literature in the nineteenth century. The paper will be written in three chapters: Chapter one: on the basis of summarizing the uniqueness of Uygur literature in the second half of the nineteenth century, the thesis analyzes the works of war in this period. Chapter two: on the premise of analyzing the ideological content of War, this paper probes into the origin of war topics, and then excavates the tragic consciousness and tragic aesthetic characteristics of the works. The third chapter analyzes the narrative characteristics of "War", that is, narrative tradition, narrative stand, narrative mode and aesthetic characteristics, and then expounds the influence of this narrative feature on the Uygur literature in the 19th century. Based on the in-depth analysis of the works of "War" in the nineteenth century, this paper not only finds the pioneering position of these works in the whole history of Uygur literature, but also finds their great influence on the whole Uygur literature of the nineteenth century.
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