本文选题:韩版 + 袖子造型 ; 参考:《西安工程大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the political, economic and cultural exchanges between China and South Korea, Korean culture for the Chinese public understanding. More and more Korean TV dramas are popular in China. The characters in the play are popular among the Chinese public and bring along the new fashion trend. The style of Korean women's clothing is closely following the trend and fashion, combined with the characteristics of oriental women's body shape, the detail design is deeply loved by young Chinese women, and the Korean version of clothing has become a means of competitive market for sellers. Casual female suit coat is the first choice of office dress for office workers in spring and autumn, and it is a typical and representative style of Korean dress. Sleeve is a very important and complicated part in the composition of garment coat. The shape of sleeve has a direct influence on the style and style of garment. However, so far there is no more authoritative organization to explain what the Korean version is, and how the new style can be finished with structural design after the release of the new model, so, This paper attempts to study a more effective way to solve the Korean version of sleeve structure modeling method. This topic takes the Korean version leisure female suit as the carrier, from the human body function science, the clothing modelling science, the clothing structure, the clothing craft and so on angle, carries on the analysis appraisal to the sleeve modelling, the structure, the craft. To find out the relationship between Korean casual women's suit and traditional women's suit's sleeve styling structure. The paper is divided into the following parts: first, through reading the literature, clear the current situation of women's suit sleeve, the theory involved in the paper, methods in other areas of research status, in order to determine the feasibility of this subject. Second, from the perspective of human body efficacy, we analyze the influence of shoulder and upper limb structure on the sleeves, and compare the changes of dress types caused by the changes of women's jobs before the 1990s and nowadays. It is proposed that the arrival of micro-action era makes body-fitting clothing more market. Third, through the network, the magazine selects the Korean version leisure female suit sample, and carries on the classification according to the shoulder outline modelling sleeve length change, finally induces the sleeve modelling characteristic according to the picture, draws the style sample. Fourth, through studying the traditional suit pattern and the Korean version sleeve fat difference union drawing method, makes this sleeve experimentally. After comparative analysis, the paper tries to deduce the change method of the style structure of Korean suit sleeve by controlling the size of sleeve fat. This method is used to analyze and summarize the structural design features of Korean casual women's suit sleeves, and to test two kinds of styles to verify it.
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