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发布时间:2018-06-06 13:06

  本文选题:电视音乐选秀 + “CCTV全国青年歌手电视大奖赛” ; 参考:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:二十世纪八十年代以来,中国社会一直处于稳定的全面发展时期,我国的政治、经济建设都有了较快的发展和稳步的提升,人民的生活水平也在不断提高,科学技术水平同样取得了丰硕的成果,,而一些科技产品对于大家来说也不再陌生,渐渐地融入到人们的生活中去。慢慢的,人们不再只依赖纸质媒体去获得信息和知识,广播、电视、网络等传播媒介开始在人们的日常生活中占据着越来越多的位置。经过不断的社会改革,我国的社会环境也日益开放化,不同的文化内容和形式也源源不断的传入我国,人们在闲暇之余也在不停地接受着全新文化的冲击。为了让自己的业余生活变得更加丰富,同时也为了全面提升自身的素质,人们开始对新的传播媒介抱以希望,希望通过它们来获取更多的知识。此时,电视机这个新生事物已经陆续的走入到每个普通人的生活中,人们对这一新生物的关注和好奇使得电视行业得到了一个良好的发展机会,而制作出一些迎合受众心理符合社会需求的节目不仅是促进电视业的发展,也是推动社会发展的一个必经之路。 在1984年,中央电视台适时的推出了CCTV全国青年歌手电视大奖赛,这是我国第一档公开播出的电视音乐选秀类比赛节目,此节目的播出,开启了中国电视音乐选秀节目的发展之路。全国青年歌手大奖赛是一档完全由我国自己创办的带有浓烈本土气息的节目,在二十世纪八十年代,我国的电视行业刚刚处于发展的起步阶段,节目制作并不是很成熟,因此这档节目的设置完全是按照整个歌唱比赛的流程而设定的,也可以说节目是为了比赛而存在的,所以在以全国青年歌手大奖赛为代表的1984年到2004年的中国电视音乐选秀节目是处于为“选”而“秀”的萌发时期。这一时期的节目完全秉承着专业的态度,以公平公正的原则,无论是参赛选手的报名选拔,还是比赛的过程,都相对严苛,从众多专业音乐人中发现和选拔出了大量的优秀选手,为我国输送了一批批音乐人才,丰富了人民的文化生活,推动着我国音乐事业的发展,而节目本身也成为我国最具权威的一项音乐赛事。 虽然CCTV全国青年歌手电视大奖赛在它的发展中也尝试着一些变革,但是观众们对于这种赛程设置相对固定的节目开始失去兴趣,加之节目的氛围较为严肃紧张,人们开始希望看到一些相对轻松的节目形式。2004年,由湖南卫视打造的全新电视音乐选秀类节目《超级女声》横空出世,这个节目一经推出立刻在社会上引发了大量的关注,节目摒弃了之前对于参赛选手身份的严格要求,而突破性的创造了“零门槛”的报名规则,无论年龄,不论身份,只要是热爱唱歌的女性,都可以参加比赛,这个消息的发放引来了大量的参赛着。而在赛程设置上,《超级女声》运用了“海选”制度,将整个过程通过电视画面全面的展现给电视机前的观众,选手们不同的表现引得大量观众围观,有些选手的表现不仅得到了大家的关注也激发了部分人群的参赛热情。而在比赛过程中,节目组创新性的引入大众评审机制也获得了更多人的关注,这样的设置不仅满足了观众对于节目的参与想法,同时也满足了受众们渴望公平民主的心理。因此,这些创新之处都为节目吸引了大量关注人群,提升了全民参与的热度,也使这个节目形成了全民狂欢的景象。 《超级女声》为我国电视音乐选秀节目的发展写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,它的成功也引来了大量电视节目的竞相模仿,在此类节目经历了兴盛发展的三年之后,我国的电视音乐选秀类节目遇到了发展的瓶颈,开始转入沉寂期。由于此类节目的数量不断增多,节目内容相互抄袭复制,导致毫无新意的节目开始泛滥,造成一种资源浪费,观众们此时也开始进入审美疲劳阶段,加之一些新的相亲类节目,求职类节目等的出现,大家对于电视音乐选秀类节目的关注热度开始减退。而国家对于部分节目进行叫停整改的政策也使此类节目进入到进退两难的尴尬境地。 2012年由浙江卫视推出的《中国好声音》的横空出世,打破了中国电视音乐选秀节目长达五年的沉寂。这一节目创新性的推出导师“盲选”这一环节引起大众的关注,在除去外貌对选手的影响因素后,节目第一次完全以声音的好坏进行对参赛选手的选拔,节目组这一完全立足与选择好声音的宗旨引得不少人拍案叫绝,也为自己抓住了大量观众的心。在导师战队的选择上节目采用互选的方式,第一次给了选手与导师一样平等的选择权利,开启了选手可以自己决定自身命运的先河。随着节目的不断发展,以《中国好声音》为代表的音乐选秀类节目已经形成了一种成熟的节目运营模式,不仅成功的制作出优秀的节目,同时也将节目打造成为一个品牌,形成了完整的产业链条,从中获取了巨大的经济效应。 中国电视音乐选秀节目经过近三十年的发展,经历了萌发,成长,兴盛,停滞和重生相信它也在不断地总结经验教训,一步一个脚印的不断向更高的台阶迈进,相信在以后的发展中,它能创造出更多优秀的,引发大众关注热潮的节目。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, Chinese society has been in a period of stable and comprehensive development. The political and economic construction of our country has developed rapidly and steadily, the living standard of the people is also increasing, and the level of science and technology has also achieved fruitful results, and some scientific and technological products are no longer strange to all of us. Gradual integration into people's life. Slowly, people no longer rely only on paper media to obtain information and knowledge, broadcasting, television, network and other media have begun to occupy more and more places in people's daily life. After continuous social reform, our social environment is increasingly open, different cultural content and In the spare time, people are constantly receiving a new culture. In order to make their own amateur life richer and to improve their quality, people begin to hope for new media, hoping to acquire more knowledge. The new creature has gradually entered the life of every ordinary person. The attention and curiosity of the new creature has made the television industry a good opportunity for development, and the production of some programs to meet the social needs of the audience is not only to promote the development of the electric vision industry, but also to promote the development of the society. A path that must be done.
In 1984, CCTV launched the CCTV National Youth singers TV Grand Prix in a timely manner, which is the first public broadcast of TV music show competition program in China. The broadcast of this program opens the way to the development of Chinese TV music shows. The National Youth singers award is a complete set up of our own. In 1980s, the TV industry of our country was just in the start stage of development. The program production was not very mature in 1980s. Therefore, the program was set entirely in accordance with the process of the whole singing competition. It can also be said that the program is for the competition, so the national youth song is in the national youth song. The Chinese TV music show from 1984 to 2004, represented by the hand Grand Prix, is in the germination period of "selection" and "show". The program of this period is fully adhering to the professional attitude, with a fair and fair principle, whether it is the entry and selection of the contestants, or the process of the competition, from a large number of professional musicians. We have found and selected a large number of excellent players, which have transported a batch of music talents for our country, enriched the people's cultural life and promoted the development of Chinese music, and the program itself has become one of the most authoritative music events in our country.
Although the CCTV National Youth singers television Grand Prix has also tried some changes in its development, the audience began to lose interest in the relatively fixed program, and the atmosphere of the program was more serious and more serious. People began to hope to see some relatively easy forms of program.2004 years, created by Hunan TV. The new TV music selection program, "Super Girls >", has come out of the world. As soon as it was launched, the program has caused a lot of attention in the society. The program abandoned the strict requirements for the identity of the competitors, and the breakthrough created the "zero threshold" of the registration rules, regardless of age, regardless of identity, as long as it is a woman who loves singing. In the course of the game, "Super Girls" used the "sea selection" system to show the whole process to the audience in front of the TV, and the performance of the contestants in a large number of spectators. In the course of the competition, the group's innovative introduction of the mass review mechanism has also attracted more attention, which not only satisfies the audience's idea of participation in the program, but also satisfies the audience's desire for public democracy. Therefore, these innovations are all for the people. The program attracted a large number of attention groups, enhanced the popularity of the national participation, and made the program a spectacle of universal carnival.
< Super Girls > has written a thick and heavy color for the development of TV music show in China. Its success has also led to a large number of TV programs. After three years of the flourishing development of this kind of program, the TV music show programs in China have encountered the bottleneck of development and began to turn into the silence period. The quantity of the program is increasing, the content of the program is copied and copied, which leads to the lack of new programs, causing a waste of resources. The audience is also beginning to enter the stage of aesthetic fatigue. In addition, some new related programs, job hunting programs and so on appear, and everyone's attention to the TV music show programs has begun to decrease. The state's policy of halting the rectification of some programs has also made such programs into a dilemma.
In 2012, the "good voice of China" launched by Zhejiang TV was born, breaking the silence of the Chinese TV music show for five years. The program innovatively launched the "blind selection" of the tutor, which has aroused public concern. After removing the influence factors of the appearance to the players, the program was the first time to complete the sound with the sound. The selection of the contestants, the complete foothold of the program group and the purpose of choosing a good voice, attracted many people, and also caught the heart of a large number of viewers. In the selection of the tutor's team, the program was selected by each other. The first time the player was equal to the tutor's choice, the player could decide his own life. With the continuous development of the program, the music show program represented by the "good Chinese voice" has formed a mature program operation mode, not only successfully making excellent programs, but also making the program a brand, forming a complete chain of production industry, from which a huge economic effect has been obtained.
After nearly thirty years of development, Chinese TV music shows have experienced the germination, growth, prosperity, stagnation and rebirth. It is believed that it is also constantly summarizing the lessons and lessons, one step and one step forward to a higher step. In the future, it can create more excellent programs that cause public concern.


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