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发布时间:2018-07-24 20:59
【摘要】:当今社会飞速发展,人权保障是现代法治社会应有之义。我国自1991年11月1日首次向世界发表"中国的人权状况"白皮书以来,截至2014年10月,我国已发表了 91部白皮书。2004年我国将"尊重和保障人权"写入宪法,更是将对人权的保障提升到了宪法保护的高度,但是就实践保护来看,人权保障尤其是在行政法领域还有待完善,政出多门,制定不规范等依然存在,行政处罚和行政责任的分担还存在模糊地带。行政违法行为纷繁复杂,作为我们邻国的俄罗斯,将基本的行政违法行为统一于一部法典,于2001年制定颁行了《俄罗斯联邦行政违法法典》,从总体上规定了行政违法行为和行政责任,而且将各领域的行政违法行为均罗列于法典分则,计17个领域,402种行政违法行为,既避免了政出多门,权责不清,又对公权力的行使进行了有效制约。我国与俄罗斯同属"后发外生型"国家,在立足国情基础上,学习借鉴他国如何更好的将人权保障原则贯彻落实到具体法律门类中,从而真正实现宪法对"人权"保障的确认就是必要且重要的了。我国与俄罗斯曾经有过一段极其相似的发展道路,20世纪40年代末至80年代中后期,我国学者对苏联表现出了很大的热情和兴趣,将其作为我国建构法律制度的参考模式。苏联解体后,俄罗斯进入转型期,随着政治、经济等社会条件的变化,其法律制度的构建理念也在新宪法的基础上转换。然而,就目前学界现状看,普遍对俄罗斯法律制度的研究热情不高,行政法方面也大多集中在行政原则、理论基础、中俄具体法律制度对比的研究,缺少对行政违法法典系统性的研究。鉴于目前我国并没有关于人权视域下分析俄罗斯违法法典人权保障的相关著述,本文选择从人权角度去解读俄违法法典,希冀在一定程度上扩充对该领域的研究,加深对俄罗斯联邦违法法典人权保障的了解,能对我国行政部门法的完善提供参考借鉴。本文主要有四部分组成。第一部分主要是俄行政违法法典总体上关于人权保障的情况,从法典结构、法典术语和行政刑法化上体现出俄罗斯较以往对人权保障的关注。第二部分主要是法典人权保障的具体体现,从处罚对象、处罚种类、裁判主体等方面具体阐述俄罗斯是如何进行人权保护的。第三部分主要是法典人权保障的成因,通过从历史角度,社会发展的经济、政治、国际因素,现代法治理念的发展中去追根溯源,探寻一个拥有帝国主义传统的国家是怎样做到与世界并轨,高举人权保障旗帜的。第四部分主要是俄违法法典中人权保障对我国法治建设的启示。我国与俄罗斯地理毗邻,曾有过类似的发展道路,针对我国行政法尤其是行政处罚方面人权保护的不足,俄法典中的一些举措实是可为我国借鉴参考的,以期能更好的完善我国行政法治体系。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, human rights guarantee is the proper meaning of modern society ruled by law. Since China first published the White Paper "Human Rights situation in China" to the world on November 1, 1991, up to October 2014, China has published 91 white papers. In 2004, China wrote "respect and protect human rights" into its constitution. Moreover, the protection of human rights has been raised to the height of constitutional protection. However, in terms of practical protection, human rights protection, especially in the field of administrative law, still needs to be improved. The administrative punishment and the administrative responsibility share also exist the fuzzy zone. Administrative violations are numerous and complicated. Russia, as our neighbour, unifies the basic administrative violations in a single code. In 2001, the Code of Administrative offences of the Russian Federation was enacted and promulgated, which generally stipulates administrative violations and administrative responsibilities. Moreover, administrative violations in all fields are listed in the specific provisions of the Code, accounting for 402 types of administrative violations in 17 fields. It not only avoids many political affairs, unclear powers and responsibilities, but also restricts the exercise of public power effectively. China and Russia are both "late-born and exogenous" countries. On the basis of their national conditions, we should learn from other countries how to better implement the principle of human rights protection into specific legal categories. Therefore, it is necessary and important to truly realize the constitutional guarantee of human rights. China and Russia once had a very similar way of development. From the end of 1940s to the middle and late 1980s, Chinese scholars showed great enthusiasm and interest to the Soviet Union, and regarded it as the reference mode of constructing the legal system in our country. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia entered the transition period. With the change of political, economic and other social conditions, the concept of construction of its legal system was also changed on the basis of the new constitution. However, as far as the present academic situation is concerned, there is a general lack of enthusiasm for the study of the Russian legal system, and administrative law is mostly focused on the administrative principles, theoretical basis, and the comparative study of the specific legal systems between China and Russia. Lack of systematic research on the code of administrative violations. In view of the fact that there are no relevant works on the analysis of the human rights guarantee of the Russian illegal code from the perspective of human rights, this paper chooses to interpret the Russian illegal code from the perspective of human rights, hoping to expand the research in this field to a certain extent. A deeper understanding of the human rights guarantee of the Russian Federation's illegal code can provide a reference for the perfection of the administrative law of our country. There are four parts in this paper. The first part is mainly about the protection of human rights in the Russian Code of Administrative violations, which reflects Russia's concern for the protection of human rights in terms of the structure of the Code, the terminology of the Code and the conversion of administrative criminal law. The second part is the concrete embodiment of the human rights protection of the code, including the object of punishment, the type of punishment, the subject of adjudication and so on. The third part is the origin of the protection of human rights in the Code of Law, through the historical perspective, the economic, political, international factors of social development, and the development of the modern concept of the rule of law. Explore how a country with imperialist traditions can keep pace with the world and hold high the banner of human rights protection. The fourth part is the enlightenment of the protection of human rights to the construction of the rule of law in Russia. China is geographically adjacent to Russia and has had a similar way of development. In view of the deficiencies in the protection of human rights in administrative law, especially in administrative punishment, some measures in the Russian Code can be used for reference by our country. In order to better improve the system of administrative rule of law in China.


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