[Abstract]:With the strengthening of China's comprehensive national strength and the deepening of international exchanges, the desire of foreigners to understand China is becoming stronger and stronger. As a typical political text and propaganda material, the annual "Government work report" reviews and summarizes the work and achievements of the previous year or the previous five years. And the next year or five years of government work principles and policies to make an overall plan and deployment. The text covers politics, economy, education, science and technology, culture, people's livelihood and so on. It has become an authoritative information source and a quick channel for people at home and abroad to understand the latest situation and development trend of China. Therefore, the translation of the Government work report is particularly important, not only related to whether other countries can accurately and timely understand China, but also related to the establishment of China's own international image. However, the translation of the Government work report is not an easy task. Due to its distinctive political and policy nature, a minor error can lead to loss of national interest or even international conflict, and the translation requires a high degree of accuracy; in addition, Among them, a large number of cultural and linguistic differences, such as Chinese vocabulary and Chinese idiomatic structure, also bring a lot of difficulties to the translation work. Therefore, it is necessary to make a careful study of the translation of the Government work report, and to seek solutions to the difficulties in order to present an accurate and appropriate translation. Looking at the current situation of the translation study of the Government work report, the situation is not satisfactory. Many scholars only put forward some views and opinions on a specific problem in translation, and most of them are based on their own translation experience, lacking scientific theories to guide them, and systematic and comprehensive research is still lacking. Skopos theory, which arose in the late 1970 s, has injected fresh blood into translation studies. This theory breaks away from the shackles of "equivalence" and "equivalence" advocated by traditional research, and emphasizes that translation activity is a purposeful cross-cultural communicative act, and translation purpose determines what translation strategy to adopt. Skopos theory shakes the absolute dominance of the original text in traditional studies, highlights the text function, translation purpose and the importance of the target readers, gives the translator more freedom, and has a strong explanatory power and guiding role in translation practice. Government work report belongs to the category of applied text, and its translation activity has a strong purpose. From the perspective of Skopos, this paper discusses the guiding role and applicability of this theory in the translation of government reports. The author analyzes the main factors affecting the translation of the government work report and the main principles to be followed, selects the original text and the English translation of the 2014 government work report as the main research object, and makes a detailed study on the translation of the government work report. Under the guidance of quantitative research and Skopos theory, this paper discusses several main feasible translation strategies at the lexical, syntactic and textual levels. The aim is to find reasonable theoretical guidance and ideal translation methods for the translation of government work reports, to help improve the translation quality in the future, and to provide reference and inspiration for the related studies in the future.
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