发布时间:2018-09-09 08:48
【摘要】:初盛唐时代不仅是我国古代史上最为灿烂炫目的一页,而且也是我国古代诗歌艺术的成熟期和高峰期。同时,侠文学在这一时期积极融入社会,与大唐精神高度契合,并相互催生,最终孕育出独特的文学成果:侠类诗。唐代——尤其是初盛唐盛行炽热的行侠之风,因而也形成了蔚为壮观的侠类诗的创作,据笔者统计,《全唐诗》中仅初盛唐诗人部分就有近两百首侠类诗传世,而且这些诗篇承前启后,,继往开来,题材多变,风格多样,足以成为一种类型文学来进行深入的研究。本文主要以初盛唐时期侠类诗为研究对象,包括绪论以及五个章节: 绪论部分,本文主要阐述了选题的初衷、意义,以及侠类诗的界定、侠类诗的历史流变,同时也解释了本文要把初盛唐侠类诗放在一起研究的原因。这也顺势引出了本文的下一步研究。 研究侠类诗,必然要先关注侠文化。本文的第一章就从侠的历史入手,重点讨论侠、以及侠文化的产生、发展以及在初盛唐的成熟,同时,也对学界目前对侠类诗的研究现状做了基本梳理,在此基础之上,便于找到研究的侧重点和难点。 类型诗歌研究离不开对诗歌文本的分析,所以本文的第二章重点关注了笔者所搜集到的侠类诗篇,首先,对这些诗篇做出整体性的介绍和大体的分类统计;其次,针对这一类型诗篇的主要特征,重点从其典型的主体变迁、意象特征、用语特征入手,做出相对深入的进一步解读。 同时,笔者也发现初盛唐时期进行侠类诗创作的这些诗人在许多方面具有共同特质,一方面,诗作具有类型化、模式化的痕迹,另一方面,这些诗作在整体可分为两类,并分别透射出的不同诗人的不同心态,而这两种看似对立甚至矛盾的心态却也都是大唐盛世之下,诗人人生追求的积极反应。 本文的第四章,则主要是对侠类诗的美学特征做出整体性分析,梳理出颇具阳刚美的侠类诗篇中不同的艺术特质,并对侠类诗为何能在这一特殊的历史时代,才可以——并确实完成了其成熟、繁荣这一现象,深究其背后的政治、经济、文化缘由。 侠类诗的兴盛离不开初盛唐的盛世环境,随着大唐社会的败落,侠类诗创作也急转而下,日渐式微。尽管在唐后历代仍如明珠一样不时闪现,但都未成气候,渐落渐败,最终悄然隐去。因而本文的最后一章,既是对这个现象的基本分析,也是因之而发出的一声叹息。 综合而言,本文是从历史学入手,探究侠及侠文化渊源、内涵,接着从语言学角度透析初盛唐侠类诗的典型特征,其次,从美学角度对侠类诗进行审视,并分析其盛行的原因,最后是对初盛唐侠类诗式微的追问和反思。
[Abstract]:The early prosperous Tang Dynasty was not only the most brilliant and dazzling page in the ancient history of China, but also the mature period and peak period of the ancient poetry art in China. At the same time, chivalrous literature was actively integrated into society during this period, which was highly compatible with the spirit of the Tang Dynasty, and gave birth to each other, and finally gave birth to a unique literary achievement: chivalrous poetry. In the Tang Dynasty, especially in the early prosperous Tang Dynasty, the fervent style of chivalrous movement was prevailing, and thus the creation of magnificent chivalrous poems was formed. According to the author's statistics, there are nearly 200 chivalrous poems in the Poems of the whole Tang Dynasty alone in the early Tang Dynasty. Moreover, these poems carry on the past, carry on the future, subject matter is changeable, style is diverse, it is enough to be a kind of literature to carry on the thorough research. This article mainly takes the chivalrous poem of the early prosperous Tang Dynasty as the research object, including the introduction and five chapters: the introduction part, this article mainly elaborated the original intention, the significance, the definition of the chivalrous poem, the historical evolution of the chivalrous poem, At the same time, it also explains the reason why this article put the chivalrous poems of the early prosperous Tang Dynasty together. This also leads to the further study of this paper. To study chivalrous poetry, we must first pay attention to chivalrous culture. The first chapter of this paper starts with the chivalrous history, focusing on the emergence, development and maturity of chivalrous culture in the early Tang Dynasty. At the same time, it also makes a basic combing of the current research situation of chivalrous poetry in the academic circles, on the basis of which, It is convenient to find the key points and difficulties of the research. Therefore, the second chapter focuses on the chivalrous poems collected by the author. Firstly, the author makes a comprehensive introduction to these poems and makes a general classification statistics. In view of the main features of this type of poetry, this paper focuses on the typical changes of the subject, image characteristics and terminological features, and makes a relatively deep interpretation. At the same time, the author also finds that these poets who created chivalrous poems in the early Tang Dynasty have common characteristics in many aspects. On the one hand, the poems have the marks of typology and stylization. On the other hand, these poems can be divided into two types as a whole. The two seemingly antagonistic and even contradictory mind-sets are also positive reactions to the poets' pursuit of life under the prosperous times of the Tang Dynasty. In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of chivalrous poetry, combs out the different artistic characteristics of the masculine and beautiful chivalrous poems, and explains why the chivalrous poems can be used in this special historical era. Can-and really complete its mature, prosperous phenomenon, the underlying political, economic, cultural reasons. The prosperity of chivalrous poetry can not be separated from the prosperous environment of the early Tang Dynasty. Although after the Tang Dynasty still flashed like a pearl from time to time, but did not become a climate, gradually lost, and finally quietly disappeared. The last chapter of this paper is not only a basic analysis of this phenomenon, but also a sigh. To sum up, this paper explores the origin and connotation of chivalrous and chivalrous culture from the perspective of history, then analyzes the typical features of chivalrous poetry in the early Tang Dynasty from a linguistic point of view. Secondly, it examines the chivalrous poetry from an aesthetic point of view and analyzes the reasons for its prevalence. The last part is the inquiry and reflection on the decline of chivalrous poems in the early Tang Dynasty.
[Abstract]:The early prosperous Tang Dynasty was not only the most brilliant and dazzling page in the ancient history of China, but also the mature period and peak period of the ancient poetry art in China. At the same time, chivalrous literature was actively integrated into society during this period, which was highly compatible with the spirit of the Tang Dynasty, and gave birth to each other, and finally gave birth to a unique literary achievement: chivalrous poetry. In the Tang Dynasty, especially in the early prosperous Tang Dynasty, the fervent style of chivalrous movement was prevailing, and thus the creation of magnificent chivalrous poems was formed. According to the author's statistics, there are nearly 200 chivalrous poems in the Poems of the whole Tang Dynasty alone in the early Tang Dynasty. Moreover, these poems carry on the past, carry on the future, subject matter is changeable, style is diverse, it is enough to be a kind of literature to carry on the thorough research. This article mainly takes the chivalrous poem of the early prosperous Tang Dynasty as the research object, including the introduction and five chapters: the introduction part, this article mainly elaborated the original intention, the significance, the definition of the chivalrous poem, the historical evolution of the chivalrous poem, At the same time, it also explains the reason why this article put the chivalrous poems of the early prosperous Tang Dynasty together. This also leads to the further study of this paper. To study chivalrous poetry, we must first pay attention to chivalrous culture. The first chapter of this paper starts with the chivalrous history, focusing on the emergence, development and maturity of chivalrous culture in the early Tang Dynasty. At the same time, it also makes a basic combing of the current research situation of chivalrous poetry in the academic circles, on the basis of which, It is convenient to find the key points and difficulties of the research. Therefore, the second chapter focuses on the chivalrous poems collected by the author. Firstly, the author makes a comprehensive introduction to these poems and makes a general classification statistics. In view of the main features of this type of poetry, this paper focuses on the typical changes of the subject, image characteristics and terminological features, and makes a relatively deep interpretation. At the same time, the author also finds that these poets who created chivalrous poems in the early Tang Dynasty have common characteristics in many aspects. On the one hand, the poems have the marks of typology and stylization. On the other hand, these poems can be divided into two types as a whole. The two seemingly antagonistic and even contradictory mind-sets are also positive reactions to the poets' pursuit of life under the prosperous times of the Tang Dynasty. In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the aesthetic characteristics of chivalrous poetry, combs out the different artistic characteristics of the masculine and beautiful chivalrous poems, and explains why the chivalrous poems can be used in this special historical era. Can-and really complete its mature, prosperous phenomenon, the underlying political, economic, cultural reasons. The prosperity of chivalrous poetry can not be separated from the prosperous environment of the early Tang Dynasty. Although after the Tang Dynasty still flashed like a pearl from time to time, but did not become a climate, gradually lost, and finally quietly disappeared. The last chapter of this paper is not only a basic analysis of this phenomenon, but also a sigh. To sum up, this paper explores the origin and connotation of chivalrous and chivalrous culture from the perspective of history, then analyzes the typical features of chivalrous poetry in the early Tang Dynasty from a linguistic point of view. Secondly, it examines the chivalrous poetry from an aesthetic point of view and analyzes the reasons for its prevalence. The last part is the inquiry and reflection on the decline of chivalrous poems in the early Tang Dynasty.
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