[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology, the world has been introduced into a new information age, which not only enriches the life and learning content of people, but also with the extensive application of OA in the party and government organs, office automation. The development of paperless office has greatly improved the office efficiency of the Party and government. However, behind the rapid development of Internet information, it has also brought a lot of negative problems. The security awareness of the office personnel has not kept up with it. They have intentionally or unintentionally handled some sensitive or even confidential information on the terminal connected to the Internet. However, some separatist adversaries and various international anti-China forces all want to take advantage of the loopholes in office work on the Internet and want to steal sensitive state policies and some confidential and even top-secret information from them. These loopholes are used for a series of destructive activities, which pose a great threat to national political economy and even social security. In recent years, China has made a series of policies, issued relevant laws and regulations, and more effectively regulated Internet information, especially the promulgation of the new National Secrets Law last year. The conviction of leak secret has been changed from the former "result theory" to "behavior theory", trying to improve the confidentiality consciousness of the personnel who contact sensitive information, and obliging the relevant functional departments to strengthen the supervision and control. This paper takes the government management unit of the Xilingol League in Inner Mongolia as the starting point to effectively supervise all the information connected to the Internet in the Party and government organs of the League. According to the current laws and regulations and the corresponding technical means, this paper designs a set of Internet information security monitoring platform with complete function and strong implementation. The platform can realize real-time inspection of hidden dangers and behaviors in various network activities of party and government organs, and trace the source of suspected texts by technical means. And quickly find valuable information from a large number of historical records to analyze and obtain evidence, as the legal basis for future administrative punishment. Based on the analysis of the feasibility and urgency of establishing the platform, and according to the actual demand of the party and government organs of the Xilingol League for the supervision of network information, this paper understands some commonly used network monitoring techniques. The module architecture and module discussion of building information monitoring platform are presented. Secondly, the functions and key technologies of the portal station group information monitoring system are discussed in detail, with emphasis on web crawler and Chinese word segmentation technology.
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2 记者 李h齢,