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发布时间:2018-10-09 10:40
【摘要】:乡村是整个社会的基础,乡村社会是否安定、有序,对于一个国家和社会的影响具有非常重要的作用。在当代,国家对乡村社会的管理主要依靠国家权力在乡村的延伸即乡村权力的运作,国家对乡村社会管理是否有效在很大程度上取决于乡村权力的合法性程度和对权力资源的获取能力,也即权力基础是否稳固。我国从秦统一六国建立起中央集权的官僚帝国之后,在历史上绝大部分时间都是一个统一的中央集权国家,但是这种集权的官僚统治只到县级,在县以下没有正式的权力结构,即所谓“王权不下县”。在中国传统社会,由于土地的变动不居和维持中央集权制的稳定以及土地所有制稳定的需要,要求找到一种共同的组织形式,即将农民、地主和国家结合起来,将没有正规组织的乡村和国家结合起来,家族制度、保甲制度即是这种结合的最重要也是最基本的制度,经过历代的承袭,这些制度逐步发展成为一套中国古代行之有效的调控制度和机制。其中家族制度最为重要,它是具有准行政倾向的重要的社会组织,以血缘关系为纽带,,以士绅为中介,以科举制度为诱饵,将国家政权与乡村社会联系起来。正是通过家族制度,行政体制在基层获得了延伸,乡村社会也才会在没有正式体制的控制下得以延续和维持。所以,家族制度成为中国传统社会乡村权力最重要的基础。近代以后,以家族制度为核心的“宗法制”的权力基础逐渐解体,作为支持宗法制的意识形态——儒家思想遭到了中国近现代民族虚无主义者的无情打击,几乎完全失去了影响力;处于领导地位的士绅阶层逐渐被削弱直至完全消灭;其存在的经济基础——农业为主的自然经济逐渐破产,土地改革使其完全丧失。 新中国成立以后,我国建立起了高度集中的政治经济体制,在农村建立了政社合一的人民公社体制,实现了国家对社会的全面覆盖,政权具有空前强大的整合、控制能力。改革开放以后,中国社会发生了深刻的变化,包括乡村权力在内的权力结构也发生了深刻的变化,但是乡村权力依然带有强烈的人民公社的特征,权力结构和权力运行高度集中的现象依然存在。 论文以改革开放的不断深化为背景,详细分析了农村的几次重大改革和社会变革对乡村权力基础的影响:家庭联产承包责任制瓦解了乡村权力的经济基础,“乡政村治”瓦解了乡村权力的组织基础,农村税费改革瓦解了乡村权力的财政基础,农村大规模人口流动瓦解了乡村基层权力的社会基础。这些以市场化取向的改革,从根本上动摇和瓦解了乡村权力的基础,面对乡村经济、社会结构和权力的日益多元化,乡村权力亟需获得新的基础,构建有序的权力结构和治理秩序。论文提出了初步的思路:通过增强乡村权力的合法性基础、转变基层政府职能、理顺乡村关系、构建新型农村公共财政供给体系等措施,夯实乡村权力的基础,提高乡村组织的组织能力,扭转乡村权力流失和基层社会失控状况,从而为农村现代化建设提供强大的制度支撑,使乡村社会治理更加完善、农村发展更加美好。
[Abstract]:The countryside is the foundation of the whole society, and the rural society is stable and orderly, and has very important effect on the influence of a country and society. In the present time, the state's management of rural society mainly depends on the extension of the state power in the countryside, that is, the operation of the rural power, whether the state is effective in the rural social management depends to a great extent on the legality of the country power and the acquisition ability of the power resource, That is, whether the power base is firm or not. After the establishment of the bureaucratic empire in the six countries of Qin Dynasty, most of the time in history is a unified bureaucracy, but this centralized bureaucratic rule only reaches the county level, and there is no formal power structure below the county, that is, so-called "No less than the county". in that Chinese traditional society, because of the lack of land and the stability of the state-owned land and the stability of land ownership, a common form of organization is required to combine the peasants, the landlords and the state to combine the country and the country with no formal organization, It is the most important and basic system of this combination, which gradually develops into an effective control system and mechanism in ancient China. Among them, the jury system is the most important. It is an important social organization with quasi-administrative tendency, which links the state power with the rural society by means of consanguinity as the intermediary, taking the imperial examination system as the intermediary, taking the imperial examination system as the bait. It is through the privatization system that the administrative system has been extended at the grass-roots level, and the rural community will continue and sustain under the control of the absence of an official system. Therefore, the system becomes the most important foundation of the rural power of Chinese traditional society. After modern times, it was centered on the system of science and technology. "Emperor's rule of law" On the basis of the gradual dissolution of the power base, the ideology _ Confucianism, which supports the rule of law, has been hit hard by the nihilist of the modern Chinese people, almost completely lost influence; Its existence of economic base _ agriculture is the natural economy that is gradually bankrupt, land reform makes it completely lost. After the founding of the new China, China has established a highly centralized political economic system, established the system of the people's commune in unity with the government in the rural areas, realized the comprehensive coverage of the state to the society, and the power has unprecedented and powerful integration and control. After the reform and opening up, profound changes have taken place in the Chinese society, including the power structure including the rural power, but the rural power still has the characteristics of the strong people's commune, the power structure and the power operation are highly centralized. On the background of the deepening reform and opening-up, the paper analyzes the impacts of several major reforms and social changes on the rural power base on the basis of deepening reform and opening-up. the economic base of the economy, "Township Administration Village Rule" has dismantled the organizational foundation of rural power, the rural tax reform and tax reform broke down the rural power's financial foundation, and the large-scale population flow in the countryside collapsed the rural grass-roots power. On the basis of the reform of the market-oriented orientation, the foundation of the rural power is fundamentally shaken and destroyed, and facing the increasingly diverse rural economy, social structure and power, the rural power urgently needs to acquire a new foundation and construct an orderly power structure. The paper puts forward a preliminary thinking: by strengthening the legitimacy of rural power, transforming the government functions of the grass-roots level, streamlining the rural relations, building the new rural public finance supply system and other measures, tamping the foundation of rural power, and improving the rural organization. The organization's ability to reverse the loss of rural power and the control of the grass-roots society, thus providing a strong institutional support for the rural modernization construction, making the rural social governance more perfect and the rural development.


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