[Abstract]:Liang Shuming is the early representative of Neo-Confucianism, known as "the last Confucianism in China." The steadfastness of thought and the adherence of personality made his Neo-Confucianism career successful, but Liang Shuming's pursuit did not stop. He groped and tried his best to practice his rural construction movement in order to realize the great ambition of saving the nation from distress. Liang Shuming holds that the rural construction movement is a systematic and comprehensive movement, which covers politics, economy, culture and education, and is essentially a movement of moral practice. This rural construction movement, at that time, or now have a more profound impact. This paper attempts to combine the social background of that time and Liang Shuming's specific practical activities to sum up and analyze the concrete content and uniqueness of the rural construction theory of Liang Shuming, and make a systematic evaluation of it by using scientific methods. Excavating the contemporary value of Liang Shuming's thought of rural construction deeply hopes that it will enlighten the construction of new socialist countryside today. The text is composed of five parts: the first part combs the formation reason of Liang Shuming's rural construction thought. Starting from two aspects, one is the social background of internal and external troubles; the other is Liang Shuming's own life experience; the second part summarizes and analyzes the main contents and concrete practical activities of Liang Shuming's rural construction thought. The third part mainly analyzes the characteristics of Liang Shuming's rural construction thought. Liang Shuming's thought of rural construction is an improved thought of rural reconstruction, trying to revive Chinese traditional culture, promote agriculture and promote work, and finally realize the modernization of the country. The fourth part is the evaluation of Liang Shuming's thought of rural construction. Liang Shuming's thought of rural construction has both positive and valuable elements, as well as its insurmountable historical limitations. This part uses materialist dialectics to analyze the concrete content and practice of rural construction thought in order to get rid of its dross and select its essence. The fifth part mainly discusses the contemporary value of Liang Shuming's rural construction thought. Liang Shuming's rural construction movement is the product of a specific historical era, although there are some biased, but also for our current construction of a new socialist countryside worth learning and learning from the ideological resources. Liang Shuming's rural construction movement ended in failure, but this persistent belief in reviving Chinese traditional culture to save the country's peril is worth learning. Moreover, the construction of the new socialist countryside can also draw valuable experience and lessons from the concrete implementation process.
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