[Abstract]:Party school is to party member cadre carry on the important position of policy theory armour. With the overall development and progress of social politics and economy, how to become a qualified teacher of the Party school, keep up with the trend of the times, grasp the trend of the times, do a good job in the interpretation of the Party's principles and policies, and spread the work, is a far-reaching problem. In recent years, party schools at all levels have continuously raised the level of theoretical research and actively implemented the development strategy of "strengthening schools by talents." at the same time, with the new and old replacement of the ranks of teachers in party schools, young teachers have stepped up to the podium in large numbers, infusing new vitality into the teachers of party schools. New horizons, new ideas. However, there are also many problems and deficiencies in the teaching process of young teachers, which more or less affect the level and quality of teaching, so how to improve the teaching and research level of young teachers to a higher level has become an important issue at present.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古乌兰察布市凉城县委党校;
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