[Abstract]:Since the implementation of reform and opening up in China, a large number of foreign-funded enterprises have poured into China, which has become an indispensable driving force in China's economic development in the new era. With the entry of foreign-funded enterprises, foreign modern management methods have also been gradually introduced by these enterprises. These advanced management methods are different from traditional Chinese enterprises and more objective and scientific. The continuous promotion of these management methods has promoted the management of Chinese enterprises to be in line with the world step by step, making the management of enterprises more standardized. These advanced management methods that have been introduced involve various aspects of internal management of the company. From the beginning of the introduction, they gradually came into contact with China's domestic political, economic, cultural and other major environments, and constantly adjusted and changed according to the situation. Until the integration of the formation of an advanced management model with Chinese characteristics. Among many advanced management methods, human resource management is the most important one. Different from the traditional thought of personnel management, human resource management is to develop and manage people as resources that can create benefits for enterprises, which is different from traditional personnel management on the basis of thought. However, China has a complex national situation and a long culture. In terms of human management, many foreign companies that enter Chinese enterprises have experienced problems that are difficult to adapt to. This is due to the national conditions and economic level. The differences in culture and other aspects directly lead to the fact that even the introduction of scientific and advanced management methods can not achieve the desired effect of human resource management. In order to solve this problem, many foreign-funded enterprises, including sole proprietorship and Chinese-foreign joint ventures, have adopted more localization of human resources management, that is, "Chinese governing the Chinese". Delegate human resources management to Chinese executives or joint venture managers. The human resource manager and the person being managed in the thought, the culture and the emotion are easier to communicate, does have many advantages in the human resources management, but if blindly devolves the human resources management authority, does not carry on the necessary supervision, It will make the management of the foreign capital company appear the phenomenon of "imbalance", thus produce all kinds of problems, and even affect the management development of the company. Based on the investigation and analysis of the present situation of human resource management in foreign-funded enterprises, this paper explores the characteristics of human resource management in foreign-funded enterprises, highlights the imbalance phenomenon of human resources management, and studies its influence on enterprise management. And put forward the corresponding solution.
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