[Abstract]:Exploring ecological socialism is the core of constructing ecological civilization. On the one hand, China still has the political, economic and social and cultural resources to lead the world to ecological socialism in the 21st century. On the other hand, from the excessive use of fertilizer and pesticides in current Chinese agriculture, to the dominant position of Chinese intellectuals and media on land, environment and other issues, neoliberalism and Western centralism, To the fact that China's most marginal labor force has also been involved in the production of factories around the world, the vision of ecological socialism will face enormous challenges in China. On the political and economic level, China needs to strive for space for independent development in the process of fighting against the "integration" with capitalism, and gradually change its position as a world factory. In ideology, culture and communication, we must persistently criticize Western hegemony and internalized racism. Only in this way can China transcend capitalism, city-centrism and industrialism and realize the vision of "new global village" of ecological socialism.
【作者单位】: 中国传媒大学;缙云县河阳乡村研究院;
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