[Abstract]:The new book, Global implications of change in Asia: economic Development and Future Trends, to be published in August 2015, looks at a series of issues in Asia's rise from the perspective of Asia's non-major economies. As one of the leading economists in Thailand, the author of this book, Professor (Pongsak Hoontrakul), is well-known in Thai academia, and has long devoted himself to the study of hot issues in the political, economic and financial fields in Asia. It is believed that its new work will provide a unique perspective for people to understand the current situation in Asia, examine the future of Asia, and expand new ideas. This paper is a new book review written by Professor Trade-off Professor, Institute of World Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. In the book review, Professor Quan gives a high evaluation of the academic research value of this book.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院世界经济研究所;
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