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  本文关键词:宁夏六盘山区产业结构演变与产业模式研究 出处:《宁夏大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 产业模式 偏离份额分析法 宁夏六盘山区

【摘要】:贫困作为困扰世界各国发展的全球性问题,是当今世界各国面临的最严峻的挑战之一。自人类社会进入21世纪后,不仅在生产力比较落后的发展中国家存在着严重的贫困问题,即便是生产力高度发达的资本主义国家也同样面临着贫困问题。所以,消除贫困不仅是人类社会为之奋斗的理想,更是当今世界各国面临的共同目标和任务。 宁夏六盘山区,是宁夏经济发展最为落后的地区,是国家扶贫攻坚的主战场。目前以32.29%的国土面积集中了宁夏25.68%的人口,但其创造的财富却仅占宁夏的7.59%。2011年宁夏六盘山区三产占GDP比重分别为26.46:25.77:47.77。我们可以看出,宁夏六盘山区第二产业发展较为滞后,第三产业虽然占GDP比重最高,但并不意味其发展具有优势性,而是因为宁夏六盘山区受自然资源、社会经济环境影响下第一产业和第二产业发展的极度落后而导致的。 文章通过运用经济地理学相关理论及运用产业结构熵、产业结构相似度指数、产业结构转换速度系数和产业结构转化方向系数以及区位商和SSM模型,对2005~2011年主要年份的截面资料和时序资料,以及《宁夏统计年鉴》(2006~2012年)等相关统计资料和数据为基础,选取了GDP、第一产业产值、第二产业产值、第三产业产值组成评价指标数据库,对宁夏六盘山区各县区进行了偏额-分离分析研究,主要得出以下结论: (1)宁夏六盘山区产业结构从总体上来看还处于低层次阶段,第一产业比重过高,第二产业比重低于全国平均水平,工业化水平滞后,第三产业比重虽然高于全国平均水平,但其发展尚处于最底层阶段。宁夏六盘山区六个县区的产业结构在演进过程中出现了高度相似的趋势,2005年至2011年七年问产业结构熵均有小幅度的上升趋势,这意味着宁夏六盘山区产业结构集中程度较低,产业结构分散,未形成规模化、集约化发展模式。 (2)产业结构演进对宁夏六盘山区经济增长的影响因素分为三种类型,即产业结构偏离为正和竞争力偏离份额为负型;产业结构偏离为正和竞争力偏离份额为正型;产业结构偏离为负和竞争力偏离份额为正型。 (3)从各地区的产业结构对经济增长贡献情况来看,地区间差异较大。这对于发挥地区比较优势,提供了有利依据。分县区对其产业发展模式进行了研究,得出结论,即: 原州区产业发展模式:工业创新型发展模式、农业生产化带动型发展模式; 海原县产业发展模式:特色经济发展模式、产业集群带动模式; 西吉县产业发展模式:特色农业深加工发展模式; 隆德县产业发展模式:特色农业拉动型发展模式、新兴产业推动型发展模式; 彭阳县产业发展模式:经济林果业产业化发展、特色优势产业发展模式; 泾源县产业发展模式:旅游业驱动型发展模式、特色优势产业发展型。 通过研究,本文认为改善宁夏六盘山区应把握三次产业发展方向,发展特色优势产业,发挥宁夏六盘山区各县区的优势与积极性,引导生产力诸要素跨区域合理配置和产业合理布局,制定生产力合理布局计划。
[Abstract]:As a global poverty problem plagued the development of all countries in the world, is one of the most serious challenges facing the world today. Since the human society entered after twenty-first Century, not only a serious poverty in developing countries is relatively backward productivity, even if productivity is highly developed capitalist countries are also facing the problem of poverty. Therefore, to eliminate poverty the struggle for the ideals of human society is not only facing the world today common objectives and tasks.
Six Ningxia mountainous area, backward areas for the economic development of Ningxia, is the main battlefield of national poverty alleviation. At present, 32.29% of the land area on 25.68% of Ningxia's population, but its wealth is only accounted for 7.59%.2011 of Ningxia in Ningxia six mountain three production accounted for the proportion of GDP respectively, we can see 26.46:25.77:47.77. the development of the second industry, Ningxia Six Mountains third industry lags behind, although the proportion of GDP is highest, but does not mean that its development has the advantage, but because of Ningxia Six Mountains by natural resources, social and economic environment of the first industry and the second industry development is extremely backward and result.
This paper uses economic geography theory and the use of industrial structure entropy, industrial structure similarity index, industrial structural transfer velocity coefficient and location quotient and SSM model coefficients and the transformation of industrial structure, cross section data and time series data of 2005~2011 main years, and the "Ningxia Statistical Yearbook" (2006~2012 years) and other related statistics and data based on selected GDP, first industry, second industry, third industry composition evaluation index database of Ningxia six mountain counties were analyzed from partial volume, the main draw the following conclusions:
(1) six Ningxia mountain industrial structure as a whole is still at the low level, the high proportion of the first industry, the second industry proportion is lower than the national average level of industrialization, the proportion of the third industry lags behind, although higher than the national average, but its development is still at the bottom of the stage. The industrial structure of Ningxia six six mountain counties the height of a similar trend in the evolution process, from 2005 to 2011 seven years of rising trend of industrial structure entropy has small amplitude, which means that the six Ningxia mountain industrial structure concentration degree is low, the industrial structure is not dispersed, the formation of large-scale, intensive development mode.
(2) the evolution of industrial structure influence factors of Ningxia economic growth in the six set is divided into three types, namely the industrial structure deviation is positive and negative deviation from share competitiveness; industrial structure deviation is positive and positive shift share competitiveness; industrial structure deviation is negative and positive competitive shift share type.
(3) from the contribution of industrial structure to economic growth in different regions, there are great differences between regions. This provides a favorable basis for giving play to regional comparative advantages.
Yuanzhou industrial development model: industrial innovation development mode, drive the development model of agricultural production;
The industrial development model of Haiyuan County Development Pattern: characteristic economy, industrial clusters driven mode;
The industrial development model of Xiji County: characteristic agriculture development model of deep processing;
Longde County Industrial Development Model: characteristic agriculture driven development model, new industry driven development model;
The industrial development model of Pengyang County: the industrial development of economic forest and fruit industry and the development model of characteristic advantage industry;
The development mode of Jingyuan industry: Tourism driven development model, characteristics and advantages of industrial development.
Through the research, this article thought that the improvement of Ningxia Six Mountains should hold three times the direction of industrial development, developing industries, Ningxia six mountain counties play the advantages and positive guidance, the productivity of cross regional allocation and reasonable industrial layout, reasonable layout of productive plan.



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