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发布时间:2018-01-19 03:26

  本文关键词: 居民收入差距 测度 影响因素 经济效应 出处:《湖南大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:居民收入分配问题是关乎国家经济、社会发展和人民生活的重大问题,适度的收入差距能促进经济增长,促进人民参与社会经济活动的积极性,而不适度甚至过大的收入差距则会阻碍经济发展,同时收入分配的不公平性还会带来其他的社会问题,影响社会稳定和谐。党中央一直都高度重视公平有效的分配方式的建立,要求社会主义和谐社会必须有能兼顾公平和效率的有效的分配制度。为此,诸多经济学家和研究者也展开了相关研究。在这样的背景和环境下,本文对居民收入差距的测度、影响因素及经济效应做了研究,文章一共六章,第一章是导论;第二章是居民收入差距研究的理论基础;第三章是居民收入差距的测度方法;第四章是我国居民收入差距的现状演变及影响因素分析;第五章是我国居民收入差距与消费的耦合效应分析;第六章是总结和研究展望。下面将对每章主要内容具体阐述。 第一章是导论,简述选题背景意义,国内外研究现状,本文的主要研究思路和方法,研究内容的重点难点。收入分配问题既是经济学问题,也是社会问题,如何有效地控制收入差距扩大的趋势,是思考国家稳定发展大计时应该着重关注的问题。在研究居民收入差距的基础上,进一步探究居民收入差距形成的原因、影响因素对于缩小收入差距是很有意义的。研究居民收入差距的国内外文献数量比较丰富,主要集中在两个大的方面,一是对于收入差距测度方法的研究,一是对于收入差距的演变发展及影响因素的研究,分别引导了数量方法和政策建议两个研究方向的发展。而本文的研究思路和方法是,针对基尼系数的局限,提出一种较为完善合理的收入差距衡量指标;在此方法基础上,研究收入差距的成因和影响因素,分别从城乡差距、地区差距、行业差距和性别差距四个角度进行测度和实证分析,进而研究收入差距的经济效应;然后,分别针对每类差距情况,给出缩小差距的相应政策建议。在研究思路上,以寻求缩小收入差距,促进经济增长为目标,遵循理论基础-方法研究-实证分析-政策建议的研究范式,着力体现理论联系实际,理论研究为经济发展服务的主旨。通过定性分析与定量分析、理论分析与实证检验、现状剖析与历史对比,研究我国居民收入差距的现状和经济效应,寻找相应的政策建议缩小收入差距。 第二章是居民收入差距研究的理论基础,包括居民收入分配理论及发展,居民收入流动性理论,居民收入差距收敛性理论。关于居民收入分配理论是整个经济学理论中非常重要的一块,与生产与发展、效率与公平等均有重要联系。无论是劳动收入还是非劳动收入、功能收入分配或规模收入分配,都与居民的生产生活息息相关,与社会经济的发展丝丝相扣。从西方古典学派亚当·斯密的三个阶级收入分配理论,到李嘉图的三个阶级分配模型,再到新古典学派和凯恩斯学派的收入分配理论,以及新剑桥学派的分配理论,无论是基于要素的分配,还是剩余价值的分割;无论是国民收入分配决定经济增长,还是围绕收入分配展开讨论经济理论,这反映的是以市场为基础的传统收入分配理论的发展。从福利经济学的收入均等化的分配理论,到发展经济学的库兹涅茨倒U形理论,再到注重收入分配格局的传导机制的内生收入分配理论,这是收入分配理论的发展导致的多学科细化融合以及丰富的过程,并且反映了市场调控为基础到国家宏观调控为主导的当代收入分配理论的发展。而关于收入分配理论的重要性,也经过了一个长时间多阶段的发展认可过程。研究居民收入分配差距及相关问题,理论基础是扎实成熟的,研究依据是可靠敦厚的,研究方法是丰富多样的,研究视角是新颖独特的,在这些理论基础上取得的研究成果也是值得信赖的。 第三章是居民收入差距的测度方法,是本文的一个重要组成内容。既有对已有方法的总结归纳,又有对新方法的构建说明;既有对各种方法的优点的提炼阐述,又有对一些缺点或错误的评述改进;既有对收入差距及不公平性测度的重点研究,又有对其他相关测度指标的综合运用和说明。总之本章测度方法的研究比较全面丰富,力争内容充实视角新颖。收入差距测度中最常用的是基尼系数,对于基尼系数的研究主要集中在计算方法和分解,在分解方面,泰尔指数具有完全分解的较大优势。对于基尼系数的改进,一方面是基于等基尼系数线提出平均增长点和均优点的概念进行共同衡量;另一方面是对基尼系数本身进行改进,提出修正加权基尼系数、单参数基尼系数(S基尼系数)、广义基尼系数(E基尼系数)等经过部分改进的指标。除了基尼系数相关研究外,测度收入差距还有很多其他重要指标,例如熵指数方法、阿特金森指数、变异系数、均等指数。此外,与收入不公平测度相关的其他指标还有FGT指数、Sen指数、Kakwani指数(测度不公平性)等,各种指标有其侧重点和适用领域范围,,准确掌握其性质后,可根据各阶段情形适当选取指标进行综合测度。 第四章是我国居民收入差距的现状演变及影响因素分析,分别从城乡差距、地区差距、行业差距,及性别差距几个方面进行研究,并针对不同类型的居民收入差距提出了一些提高收入和缩小差距的政策建议。 对于我国城乡居民收入差距的影响因素进行分析得出,我国城乡居民收入与农村人口占全国比、人口自然增长率和第一产业比重负相关,因此要提高城乡居民整体收入状况、缩小城乡收入差距,就应该降低农村人口比和控制人口数量,同时降低第一产业在国民经济中的比重。同时通过与居民收入正相关的系列指标分析得出,要将依靠低技术高劳动强度的农业,逐渐转换成高技术低劳动强度的农业,和工业化的农业,即依靠技术使得农业自动化智能化,从传统形式逐渐向第二第三产业形式转移,同时促进工业和技术的发展,提高第二和第三产业比重。缩小城乡差距的方法建议都可以归结到促进农村和农业的发展,加强农业的现代化、工业化,降低农业在国民经济中的比重,促进农村的城市化发展上来。 若要减小地区差距,则应该加大对社会福利和保障的投入,建立健全居民医疗保险、养老保险等社会基本保障制度,扩大社会福利的惠及面;同时发展教育,加大对教育的投入,确保居民受教育的深度和广度;要加大社会固定资产的投资和再生产,加快经济建设和发展,同时要注意生态环境的保护与对生态产业的投入,注意人与自然和谐相处,为经济长期而稳定的发展打下坚实的生态基础;同时,大力发展第三产业,加大第三产业在国民经济中的比重;此外,要提供更多就业机会,降低居民失业率,为降低居民收入的地区差距提供更多可能性。 要缩小我国居民行业收入差距,应从以下几方面着手:一是重视资金的规模效应,增加规模以上项目的数量;二是重视各行业固定资产投资,平衡各行业间占有的资金和资源;三是打破垄断局面,增加竞争,通过竞争带动发展,同时为已经过一段时间较充分竞争的低收入行业注入新鲜血液;四是重视各行业人力资本的教育和培训,不仅是就业前的学校教育,也包括就业后的技能培训和岗位指导,用工作效率代替工作时间,争取做到劳动密集型向技术密集型和资金密集型的转变。 针对我国的居民收入性别差距,及相关的行业,年龄,教育程度等影响因素,缩小性别收入差距应从以下几方面着手:一是加强对退休年龄的女性的收入保障,打破对男女在年龄方面的不同待遇的歧视;而是加强教育,尤其是增强女性的学历背景,使其能获得更多提高收入的机会;三是在不同所有制企业,都要确保公平性,尤其是对私有制企业里的玻璃屋顶现象应该尽量避免,使女性在升职和加薪方面能得到公平的机会。通过全社会对女性就业和晋升机会公平的增加来提高女性收入,缩小性别收入差距。最重要的是打破偏见,在就业机会和晋升机会面前做到男女平等,不要人为地放大女性的家庭和社会责任给就业和收入带来的负面影响,要多关爱多包容,促进全社会的两性平等与和谐发展。 第五章是我国居民收入差距与消费的耦合效应分析,从时间和空间两个大的方面研究了增加收入对消费的刺激作用,和消费水平受到收入水平影响程度的大小。关于增加居民收入对刺激消费的有效性研究方面,本文从时间序列上采用了不同的时间段,用时间分布滞后模型,先研究了居民消费与当期收入的关系,后研究了居民消费与前期收入的关系,得出当期可支配收入每增加一个单位,会使当期消费支出增加约0.623个单位;上一期收入每增加一个单位,会使当期消费增加约0.278个单位;而上三期收入每增加一个单位,会使当期消费减少约0.125个单位的结论。除了时间上收入与消费关系的差异外,我国地域上的差异也较明显,处于不同收入水平的地区的边际消费倾向明显不同。实证部分首先利用全国地市级的数据进行了聚类分析,对各市的人均收入和消费进行区域聚类,得到九个类别,然后根据凯恩斯消费函数模型,对九类地区分组回归得出我国居民收入的边际消费倾向与收入的关系,回归结果显示我国居民收入的边际消费倾向与收入之间呈现二次项系数为负数的二次函数形式,进一步用多种形式的函数表达式进行拟合,得出拟合优度最好的是三次函数形式,且此三次函数形式可以用之前的二次函数代入得出,说明其表达式是可信的。而据此分析得出的提高居民收入水平的方法则是一提一控,控制商品价格,提高居民实际购买力。同时,还应关注不同地区的收入差距问题,在解决地区收入大差距的问题的前提下,提高全社会共同的消费水平和经济发展水平。 第六章是总结和研究展望,对全文内容做了一个总结,提出了研究中存在的不足之处,拟改进方法,以及在全文基础上的进一步研究展望。
[Abstract]:Residents' income distribution is related to the national economic and social development, major issues and the people's life, moderate income gap can promote economic growth, promote the enthusiasm of the people involved in social economic activities, while inappropriate or excessive income gap will hinder the development of economy, the income distribution fairness also bring other social problems the influence of social stability and harmony. The Party Central Committee has always attached great importance to the establishment of a fair and effective distribution of the requirement of the socialist harmonious society must have the effective allocation of equity and efficiency. For this, many economists and researchers also carried out related research. In this background, this paper measure for residents the income gap between the factors and economic effect to do the research, this paper consists of six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction; the second chapter is the research on the theory of the income gap of residents The third chapter is the basic measure; income gap; the fourth chapter is the analysis of the evolution and influence factors of the income gap in our country; the fifth chapter is the analysis of the coupling effect of Chinese residents' income gap and consumption; the sixth chapter is the summary and research prospects. The following will detail the main content of each chapter.
The first chapter is the introduction, describes the background and significance, research status at home and abroad, the main research ideas and methods, emphases and difficulties of the research contents. Both the economics of income distribution problem, but also a social problem, how to effectively control the trend of widening income gap, is thinking of development plan should focus on the country's stability in the problem. Based on the income gap of residents, the reason to further explore the residents' income gap formation, influencing factors is of great significance for narrowing the income gap. The number of residents' income gap of the domestic and foreign literature is rich, mainly concentrated in two aspects, one is the study of the income gap measure, one is to study the evolution and influence factors of the income gap, the development of respectively quantitative methods and policy recommendations two research directions. And this research ideas and The method is, according to Gene coefficient limitations, put forward a comparatively perfect and reasonable income gap measure; on the basis of this method, the causes and influencing factors of the income gap, the gap between urban and rural areas respectively from four angles, the gap between regions, the gap between the industry and the gender gap analysis measure and empirical research on the economic effect, and the income gap then, for each category respectively; gap, corresponding policy suggestions are given to narrow the gap. In the study, in order to seek to narrow the income gap, promote economic growth as the goal, follow the theoretical basis - Method - Empirical Analysis - the research paradigm of policy recommendations, to reflect the theory with practice, theoretical research aims to serve the economic development. Through qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, comparative analysis and historical status, current situation and economic effect of income gap in China It is necessary to find corresponding policy proposals to narrow the income gap.
The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the income gap between residents, including residents' income distribution theory and liquidity theory development, residents' income, the income gap between residents of the convergence theory. On the income distribution theory is a very important piece of the whole economics theory, and the production and development, efficiency and fairness has an important relation. Both labor income or non labor income, the income distribution function or the scale of income distribution, and is closely related to the production and life of the residents, the economic and social development. Daisy chain from western classical school of Adam Smith's three class theory of income distribution to the three class Ricardo distribution model, and then to the new classical school and the theory of income distribution the Keynes school, and the new distribution theory of the Cambridge school, both elements of the distribution based on the residual value, or segmentation; whether the national income distribution will Economic growth, income distribution is around the discussion of economic theory, which reflects the development of the traditional income distribution theory is based on the market. From the theory of distribution of income equalization of welfare economics, development economics Kuznets inverted U theory, and then to focus on the transmission mechanism of income distribution pattern in income distribution this is the theory of multidisciplinary fusion refinement of the development of theory of income distribution and lead rich, and reflects the market regulation as the foundation to the national macro-control for the development of the contemporary theory of income distribution led. And on the income distribution theory of the importance, also after a long time of multi stage development. Research on the accreditation process the income distribution gap and related problems, theoretical foundation is solid and mature, reliable and research basis, research method is rich and diverse, the research perspective is New and unique, the research results based on these theories are also trustworthy.
The third chapter is the method to measure the income gap of residents, is an important content in this paper. Both of the existing methods are summarized, and the construction of the new method; refining has both advantages of various methods described, and improve some shortcomings or wrong not only focuses on the review; the income gap and unfair measure, and comprehensive utilization and explanation of other relevant evaluation indexes. In this chapter the research method to measure a more comprehensive rich, and strive to enrich the content of the fresh perspective. The income gap measure is the most commonly used Gini coefficient, the Gini coefficient for research mainly focus on the calculation method and the decomposition, in the decomposition of Theil index, has obvious advantages of complete decomposition. For improved Gini coefficient, one is based on the concept of Gini coefficient line raises the average growth point and the advantages of both common measure On the other hand; the Gene coefficient itself was improved, proposes a modified weighted Gene coefficient, the Gene coefficient of single parameter (S Gene coefficient), the generalized Gene coefficients (E Gene coefficient) through improved index. In addition to the relevant research on Gene coefficient to measure the income gap between, there are many other important indicators, such as entropy index method Atkinson, index, coefficient of variation, equal index. In addition, with the income inequality measure and other related index and FGT index, Sen index, Kakwani index (to measure fairness), various indicators are the emphasis and applicable scope, accurately grasp its nature, according to the situation of selecting appropriate indicators of stage comprehensive measure.
The fourth chapter is the analysis of the factors of the evolution and influence of the income gap in our country, respectively from the gap between urban and rural areas, the gap between regions, the gap between the industry, research and the gender gap, and puts forward some improving income and narrowing the gap between the policy recommendations for different types of residents' income gap.
The influence factors of the income gap between urban and rural residents in China were analyzed, China's urban and rural residents' income and rural population ratio, the natural population growth rate and the proportion of primary industry is negatively related, therefore to improve the income of urban and rural residents, income gap between urban and rural areas, we should reduce the number of rural population and population control, and reduce the the proportion of the first industry in the national economy. At the same time through a series of index is positively correlated with income analysis, will rely on low labor intensity of agricultural high technology, gradually converted into high technology, low labor intensity of Agriculture, industrialization and agriculture, which rely on technology makes the agricultural intelligent automation, from traditional form gradually to second third forms of industry transfer, and promote the development of industry and technology, improve the proportion of the second and the third industry. Suggestions for narrowing the gap between urban and rural can be classified To promote the development of rural and agricultural, to strengthen the modernization of agriculture, to industrialisation, to reduce the proportion of agriculture in the national economy and to promote the urbanization of rural areas.
If you want to reduce the gap between regions, should increase the social welfare and security investment, establish and improve medical insurance for residents of basic old-age insurance and other social security system, the expansion of social welfare benefits; at the same time the development of education, increase the investment in education, to ensure that residents of the depth and breadth of education; to increase social investment in fixed assets and reproduction, accelerate the economic construction and development, and we should pay attention to investment and ecological industry, ecological and environmental protection, pay attention to the harmony between man and nature, for the long-term and stable development of economy and lay a solid foundation of ecology; at the same time, promote the development of the third industry, increase the proportion of the third industry in the national economy; in addition to to provide more employment opportunities, reduce the unemployment rate of residents, provide more possibilities for reducing the regional income gap.
In order to reduce the income gap of residents in our country industry, from the following aspects: one is to pay attention to the scale effect of capital, the increase in the number of large-scale projects; two is the importance of investment in fixed assets of various industries, capital and resources balance between industries; the three is to break the monopoly, increase competition and promote the development of the competition at the same time. Inject fresh blood for a period sufficient competition in low income industry; four is the importance of the human capital industry education and training is not only the school education before employment, including employment skills training and job guidance, work efficiency instead of working time for the transformation of the labor-intensive to technology intensive capital intensive and do it.
According to China's income gap and related industries, gender, age, education and other factors influence, narrow the gender income gap from the following aspects: one is to strengthen the retirement age of women's income guarantee, break for men and women in terms of age discrimination but different treatment; strengthen the education, especially the enhancement of education the background of women, so that it can obtain more revenue opportunities; three in different ownership enterprises, in order to ensure the fairness, especially for private enterprises in the glass ceiling phenomenon should be avoided, so that women in the promotion and salary increase can get a fair chance. Through the whole society on women's employment and increase fair promotion opportunities to improve women's income, narrowing the gender income gap. The most important is to break the prejudice, in the face of employment opportunities and opportunities for advancement to the equality of men and women, don't put people into The negative impact of large women's family and social responsibility on employment and income should be more caring and tolerant, and promoting the gender equality and harmonious development of the whole society.
The fifth chapter is the analysis of the coupling effect of Chinese residents' income gap and consumption, from two aspects of time and space on the increase of stimulating effect of income on consumption, and consumption by the size of the influence of income level on the increase of residents' income. To stimulate consumption of the effectiveness of the research, this paper uses time different from the time series, time lag model for distribution, to study the relationship between household consumption and income, after the study of the relationship between household consumption and income early, the current disposable income per unit increase, the current consumer spending increased by about 0.623 units; each one period income increase a unit that will make the current consumption increased by about 0.278 units; and three revenue per unit increase in the current consumption is reduced by about 0.125 units of conclusion. In addition to income and consumption time The relationship between differences, differences in our region are more obvious in different regions, the income level of the marginal propensity to consume is significantly different. The first part of the national and municipal data clustering analysis, the per capita income and consumption of the municipal area cluster into nine categories, according to the Keynes consumption function model. The nine area regression relationship between group income of our country dweller's marginal propensity to consume and income, regression results show that the quadratic function between the income of Chinese residents of the marginal propensity to consume and income is two times the number of coefficient is negative, further with various forms of fitting function, obtains the best fit is a cubic function form, and the three times



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