Global Business Cycle Mismatch, Supply Side Reform and Mediu
The Global Business Cycle Mismatch, Supply Side Reform and Medium-High Speed Growth Rate in China
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WANG Hongju, WANG Chuan (National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 100028)
Abstr:China has entered a "new normal" economic period in 2015. The central government warded off financial risk through flexible use of monetary and fiscal policy, achieved a soft landing via structural expansive fiscal policy, avoided deflation in consumption sector despite slumping prices in productive sector, optimized the economic structure, and provided a new impetus to innovation and entrepreneurship. In 2016, the world economy is projected to slow recovery, and downside risks to the world economy appear more pronounced due to the aggravating global business cycle mismatches. 2016 is the first year of the" 13th Five-year Plan". Constrained by the international business cycle mismatch, economic growth is expected to face downward pressure. In order to achieve the target of economic progress while maintaining stability, and guarantee that the economic growth is running at medium-high speed in a reasonable range, the central government should not ignore the important role of demand side policies while the remarkebale reform in the supply side gets advanced.
Keyword::Global Business Cycle Mismatch, Supply Side Reform and Medium-High Speed Growth