本文选题:投资 切入点:房地产业 出处:《哈尔滨商业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:一般来说投资、消费和净出口是推动一个国家国民经济增长的三个要素,而最近三十年我国经济的快速增长主要都是投资驱动型的增长。房地产投资作为固定资产投资中的一项在整个投资领域占有十分重要的地位,而且它对国民经济增长的促进作用也最为明显。众所周知,改革开发以来我国经济始终保持快速发展,在这种背景下关系到国计民生的房地产业的地位和作用也就越来越明显,可以说房地产业已经成为了我国国民经济的支柱产业。作为拉动经济增长和带动相关产业发展的重要力量,房地产业是否能够保持健康、持续地发展已然成为从上到下、各方各界所关注的焦点。最近几年,由于我国自身的经济制度还不够完善,房地产市场暴露出一些负面的现象,主要表现为各地房地产投资过热和全国大中城市的房价过高,这样就给整个国民经济的稳定运行造成了一些不利影响。2011年国务院陆续出台了旨在调控楼市价格的各项措施,目的是遏制住持续高涨的房价。各地方政府为了响应国家政策,也频繁发出了各种限购、限价的法令法规,应该说2011年是我国历史上调控楼市最为严厉的一年。在这样的背景下研究房地产业与国民经济的相互关系,为二者的持续、健康发展提供一些积极合理的建议,是十分必要也是十分重要的。 本文第一章主要阐述了研究房地产投资与国民经济增长关系的目的和意义,系统归纳总结了国内外学者对房地产投资与国民经济增长关系的相关研究成果,同时介绍了本文的研究思路与研究方法。第二章先论述了房地产业的相关概念,再把收集到的最新数据和历史数据绘制成图表,利用这些图表回顾总结了我国房地产开发投资的历史进程,并且从房地产投资额、房地产投资占固定资产投资比例等方面仔细分析了我国当前房地产投资的现状。第三章介绍了本文研究房地产投资与国民经济增长关系的相关理论,包括投资理论和经济增长理论,构建了研究的理论基础。第四章首先在理论方面分析了房地产投资对国民经济增长的能动作用以及国民经济增长对房地产投资的反作用。一方面房地产投资对经济增长有拉动作用,另一方面经济增长对房地产投资具有促进作用,可以说二者是一对相互影响、相互促进的变量;其次在实证方面先运用投入产出分析模型,通过计算2010年我国房地产业投入产出的直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数等系数,着重研究了房地产投资对国民经济增长的带动作用,再运用协整检验和格兰杰因果检验说明房地产业和国民经济增长并不存在长期稳定的关系,但二者是互为因果的。第五章主要针对当前我国房地产投资存在的问题给出了一些政策建议。
[Abstract]:In general, investment, consumption and net exports is to promote a national economic growth of the three elements, and the rapid growth of China's economy in recent thirty years are mainly investment driven growth. The real estate investment is the investment in the fixed assets investment in a whole field occupies a very important position, and it on the national economic growth is most obvious. As everyone knows, since the reform and development of China's economy has maintained rapid development, in this context related to the status and role of the real estate industry is beneficial to the people's livelihood is more and more obvious, it can be said that the real estate has become a pillar industry of China's national economy as an important. Driving force of economic growth and promote the development of related industries, the real estate industry is able to maintain a healthy, sustainable development has become from top to bottom, focus attention recently. In recent years, due to China's own economic system is still not perfect, the real estate market has exposed some negative phenomena, mainly for the local real estate investment overheating and the national large and medium-sized city prices are too high, so as to the stable operation of the entire national economy caused some adverse effects of.2011 years the State Council has issued to control measures the market price, to curb rising prices. The local government in response to the national policy, but also frequently issued a variety of purchase price, laws and regulations, it should be said that in 2011 the property market regulation in the history of our country is the most severe one year. Research on the relationship between real estate industry and the national economy in the background the last for the two, to provide some positive suggestions and healthy development, it is necessary and important.
The first chapter mainly elaborates the purpose and significance of the relationship between real estate investment and economic growth of the housing system, summarizes the relevant research results of the relationship between domestic and foreign scholars on real estate investment and economic growth, and introduces the research ideas and research methods. The second chapter discusses the related concepts of the real estate industry. The latest data and historical data collected from drawing charts, summarized the historical process of China's real estate development investment by using these charts, and from the real estate investment, real estate investment accounted for the proportion of investment in fixed assets and other aspects of a careful analysis of the current situation of China's real estate investment. The third chapter introduces the related theory this paper studies the relationship between real estate investment and economic growth, including investment theory and economic growth theory, establish the theoretical foundation of the research. The fourth chapter in Science Analysis of the role of the real estate investment on the role of national economic growth and economic growth of the real estate investment theory. On the one hand the real estate investment has positive effect on economic growth, on the other hand, the growth of real estate investment has positive effect, it can be said that the two is the interaction to promote each other the second variable; the application of input-output analysis model in the empirical analysis, the direct consumption coefficient calculated by 2010, China's real estate industry input-output coefficient, total consumption coefficient etc., focusing on the real estate investment to promote economic growth, and then use the cointegration test and Grainger test shows that the real estate industry and the national economy growth does not exist a long-term stable relationship, but the two are reciprocal causation. The fifth chapter according to the problems in China's real estate investment problem gives some political Suggestions.
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