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发布时间:2018-05-17 21:57

  本文选题:西部少数民族地区 + 反贫困 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国自改革开放以来,特别是实施《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》和西部大开发以来,西部少数民族地区在党中央和国务院的正确领导、各民族干部群众的团结奋斗以及兄弟省市和社会各界的大力支持下,经济社会发展取得了长足进步,经济总量不断增加,人民生活不断改善,收入水平不断提高,综合实力不断增强。但由于自然、经济、社会、文化、宗教等多种因素的相互制约,西部少数民族地区还存在着自然灾害频繁,发展基础薄弱,宗教影响浓厚,社会动乱频现,地区差异悬殊等问题,特别是由自然生存环境恶劣和社会发展严重滞后等多因素造成的以西部少数民族为主体的贫困问题,不仅是影响西部少数民族地区经济发展的严峻挑战,而且是影响西部地区乃至整个中国经济社会现代化进程以及和谐社会建设的重大隐患。国务院扶贫开发领导小组2012年发布的《国家扶贫开发工作重点县名单》显示,全国592个国家扶贫开发工作重点县(以下简称扶贫重点县)分布在21个省(市、区),西部少数民族八省区集中了232个,占全国的39.19%,其中西藏整体片区进入国家扶贫序列,贫困面为100%;341个民族自治贫困县(包括西藏)分布于全国17个省级行政区内,西部少数民族八省区集中了267个,占全国的78.3%’。因此,西部少数民族地区的贫困程度远远高于全国,是中国民族类别最多、民族人口分布最集中、经济发展水平最落后的地区。这些地区的贫困已严重制约着我国整体脱贫步伐的前进,使脱贫工作面临严峻的挑战和巨大的压力,成为区域社会危机的潜在隐患,对西部少数民族地区的社会发展和社会稳定构成重大威胁。第十七届中央委员会第五次全体会议通过的《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年计划纲要》明确提出:“要继续加大对民族地区、边疆地区和贫困地区的扶持力度,深入推进兴边富民行动,支持边境贸易发展,加大对滇西边境山区、藏中地区以及广西边境地区的扶贫开发攻坚工程,加大以工代赈和易地扶贫搬迁力度;在民族地区进一步完善健全覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系、完善基本医疗卫生制度、提高住房保障工作等。”因此,减少贫困已经成为我国民族工作中的一项重要内容,从根本上消除绝对贫困成为中央所部署的构建和谐社会重要战略任务。 西部地区尤其是以广西、云南、西藏、青海、贵州、宁夏、新疆和内蒙为主体的西部少数民族地区反贫困仍然是当前西部少数民族地区经济社会发展面临的重大理论与政策问题。本文通过分析西部少数民族地区反贫困所面临的严峻态势及制约因素,提出具有现实针对性的西部少数民族地区反贫困治理的战略思路,探索建立一条适应新时期西部少数民族地区反贫困的制度创新和机制改革的道路,建立西部少数民族地区反贫困的新型扶贫制度安排,这对于有效遏制不稳定因素、积极化解社会冲突、科学推进西部少数民族地区经济发展、实现社会公正安定、各民族共同繁荣、维护民族团结及国家安全均具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。本文立足于西部少数民族地区反贫困,在研究上主要采用理论研究、比较研究、数量分析和逻辑分析等方法,系统全面的阐述了西部少数民族地区反贫困战略问题的理论视角、数据对比和经验启示等。 本文的创新点由研究视角创新和研究内容创新两个部分组成。研究视角方面,本文在全面建设社会主义小康社会的背景下,通过归纳总结国内外有关贫困的内涵、标准和贫困的基本成因以及系统分析反贫困的相关理论的基础上,立足于西部少数民族地区反贫困的实际现状,对西部少数民族地区反贫困战略问题所面临的严峻状况和重大挑战进行研究,紧紧围绕确立科学合理的反贫困战略思路这一主线,创新性的从西部少数民族地区反贫困的战略定位、制度安排和特殊发展背景出发,对西部少数民族地区反贫困面临的严峻态势进行深入剖析,对其制度安排及战略思路等重大核心问题进行全面的分析和总结,提出了推动少数民族地区反贫困的战略对策。本文从自然、历史、经济、制度等方面分析反贫困问题的制约因素,努力寻求一条适合新时期发展的西部少数民族地区反贫困之路,强化反贫困问题在西部少数民族地区发展中的关键性作用。 本文分七章对西部少数民族地区反贫困战略问题进行研究,主要内容及观点如下: 第一章是导论,由六个部分组成。第一部分主要对本文的选题背景和选题意义进行阐述;第二部分和第三部分主要从文献学角度重点阐述了国内外反贫困理论研究的现状;第四部分主要确立了本文的研究方法,即理论、比较研究方法以及数量、逻辑分析方法。第五部分主要阐述本文的创新之处,系统全面的提出西部少数民族地区应建立以资源开发机制为核心的经济发展机制,以社会管理机制为核心的社会稳定机制,同时进一步优化社会监督机制、公众利益共享机制以及社会保障机制等。第六部分是本文的不足之处,主要是理论深度的不足和研究范围的有限性。 第二章由四个部分组成,主要阐述了本文的理论基础和相关经验总结。第一部分对国外反贫困理论的理论内容和理论启示进行阐述;第二部分对国内反贫困理论的理论内容和理论启示进行阐述;第三部分对国外少数民族地区的反贫困实践经验进行总结;第四部分则归纳了西部少数民族地区反贫困的当代启示。 第三章由四个部分组成,主要阐述西部少数民族地区的经济发展状况。四个部分分别从增长速度、经济地位、横向差距和财政依赖四个方面对西部少数民族地区经济发展状况进行分析,明确西部少数民族八省区经济发展现状及与全国的差距。 第四章由四个部分组成,主要阐述了西部少数民族地区反贫困的严峻态势。分别从自然灾害频繁、发展基础薄弱、社会动乱频现和地区差距悬殊四个方面来对反贫困的严峻态势进行分析,明确反贫困现状和所面临的困难,从而因地制宜的进行反贫困建设研究。 第五章由五个部分组成,主要阐述西部少数民族地区反贫困的制约因素。第一部分主要写西部少数民族贫困地区恶劣的自然条件;第二部分阐述西部少数民族地区的贫困人口长期生活在交通闭塞、生态环境恶化、相对封闭的自然偏僻环境中,经济社会还处在比较低的发展水平上:第三部分是历史因素复杂,西部少数民族大都从封建社会遗留下来,有着复杂的历史背景。第四部分是宗教文化冲突,不同民族有着不同的宗教文化,有些宗教文化甚至是完全相反的,这使得宗教之间的冲突不可避免。第五部分是制度设计缺陷,主要从贫困认定范围狭窄、贫困人口标准较低和反贫困的效率下降三个方面来阐述。 第六章由六个部分组成,在第三章、第四章和第五章内容的基础上,主要阐述西部少数民族地区反贫困的制度安排。分别从明确功能定位、制定法律制度、规范管理体制、完善政策体系、强化金融支持和完善对口援助六个方面来阐述其重要性,完善的法律、政策是发达国家反贫困成功的经验,法律的缺失、政策的不完善和扶贫考核制度的不到位使得反贫困工作困难重重,反贫困治理效率低下。 第七章由六个部分组成,主要探讨了西部少数民族地区反贫困的战略途径。第一部分提出要确立扶贫战略,包括扶贫开发目标、发展战略思路、区域功能定位和发展战略重点;第二部分提出要创新机制设计,包括建设传递机制、建立参与机制和确立监督机制;第三部分是强化社会服务,即要加大医疗投入力度,加强基础设施建设和完善社会救助体系;第四部分是发展特色产业,包括特色旅游产业、特色现代农业和特色中医药业;第五部分是改善教育培训,即普及基础教育知识,发展职业技术教育和加强师资队伍建设;第六部分提出完善社会保障,即完善社会保障法律法规,拓宽社会保障覆盖范围和扩大社会保障筹资渠道。 本文的基本结论是:在面临西部少数民族地区反贫困的严峻态势和制约因素下,着力推进民族地区反贫困治理具有重要的现实性。西部少数民族地区应进一步明确反贫困工作的建设重点,通过完善制度安排、创新机制设计、发展特色产业、改善教育培训、完善社会救助和增加扶贫投入等措施着重提高西部少数民族地区反贫困效率,切实解决人民脱贫发展问题,为全面建设小康社会努力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up of China, especially since the implementation of the national 87 poverty alleviation program and the western development, the economic and social development has made great progress in the western minority areas, with the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the unity and struggle of the various ethnic cadres and the people, and the strong support of the brothers and cities and the community. The total amount is increasing, the people's life is constantly improving, the income level is increasing, and the comprehensive strength is increasing. However, because of the mutual restriction of natural, economic, social, cultural, religious and other factors, there are frequent natural disasters in the western minority areas, the development foundation is weak, the religious influence is strong, the social unrest is frequent and the regional differences are very different. The problem of poverty, which is caused by many factors such as the bad natural environment and the serious lagging of social development, is not only a serious challenge to the economic development of the western minority areas, but also the process of economic and social modernization and a harmonious society in the western region and even the whole China. The major hidden danger of construction. The list of national key counties for poverty alleviation and development issued by the leadership group of the State Council in 2012 showed that the key counties of the 592 national poverty alleviation and development work (hereinafter referred to as the key counties for poverty alleviation) were distributed in 21 provinces (cities, districts), and 232 in eight provinces of the western minority nationalities, accounting for 39.19% of the country, of which Tibet was a whole. The body area has entered the national poverty alleviation sequence, the poverty level is 100%, the 341 ethnic autonomous poverty-stricken counties (including Tibet) are distributed in the 17 provincial administrative regions in the country, and the eight provinces in the western minority areas are concentrated in 267, accounting for 78.3% 'in the whole country. Therefore, the poverty level in the western minority areas is far higher than that of the whole country, the largest ethnic group in China and the ethnic group. The areas of the most concentrated distribution and the most backward economic development have seriously restricted the progress of our country's overall pace of poverty alleviation, making the work of poverty alleviation facing severe challenges and enormous pressure, and becoming a potential hazard of the regional social crisis, which poses a major threat to the social development and social stability of the minority areas in the western region. The Twelfth Five Year Plan of the People's Republic of China national economy and social development, adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee, made clear that "we should continue to strengthen the support for the ethnic areas, the border areas and the poverty-stricken areas, deepen the action of the rich and the people in the border areas, support the development of the border trade and increase the Yunnan Province." The poverty alleviation and development project of the western border area, the Tibetan and central areas and the border areas of Guangxi have been strengthened, and the efforts to relieve the relief and relief of the poverty alleviation are intensified, the social security system covering urban and rural residents, the basic medical and health system, and the housing security work are improved in the ethnic areas. An important part of our national work is to eradicate absolute poverty fundamentally and become an important strategic task for the central government to build a harmonious society.
The anti poverty in western minority areas, especially in Guangxi, Yunnan, Tibet, Qinghai, Guizhou, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, is still a major theoretical and policy problem in the economic and social development of the western minority areas. Restricting factors, putting forward the strategic thinking of anti poverty governance in the western minority areas with realistic pertinence, exploring the way of establishing a new system innovation and mechanism reform to adapt to the anti poverty in the western minority areas in the new period, setting up a new poverty alleviation system arrangement in the western minority areas, which can effectively restrain the instability. It has important theoretical and practical significance to establish factors, actively resolve social conflicts, promote economic development in western minority areas, realize social justice and stability, common prosperity of all ethnic groups, safeguard national unity and national security. This article is based on anti poverty in western minority areas and mainly uses theoretical research in research. Compared with the methods of quantitative analysis and logical analysis, this paper systematically expounds the theoretical perspective, data comparison and experience enlightenment of the anti poverty strategy in the western minority areas.
The innovation of this article is composed of two parts: the research perspective innovation and the research content innovation. In the perspective of the research, this paper, on the background of building a well-off society in a comprehensive way, is based on the summary of the connotation of poverty at home and abroad, the basic causes of standards and the basic causes of poverty, and the systematic analysis of the relevant theories of anti poverty. The actual situation of anti poverty in the minority areas of the western region is to study the severe situation and major challenges faced by the anti poverty strategy in the minority areas of the west, and the main line is to establish a scientific and reasonable strategic thinking of anti poverty. In the background of the development, the severe situation of anti poverty in the western minority areas is deeply analyzed, and the important core issues such as the system arrangement and the strategic thinking are comprehensively analyzed and summarized, and the strategic countermeasures to promote the anti poverty in the minority areas are put forward. This paper analyzes the anti poverty from the aspects of nature, history, economy and system. The restrictive factors of the problem are hard to seek a way of anti poverty in the western minority areas, which are suitable for the development of the new period, and strengthen the key role of the anti poverty in the development of the minority areas in the West.
This article is divided into seven chapters to study the strategy of anti poverty in western minority areas. The main contents and viewpoints are as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction, which is composed of six parts. The first part mainly expounds the background and significance of this topic; the second and the third part mainly from the perspective of philology, mainly expounds the present situation of the research on anti poverty theory at home and abroad; the fourth part mainly establishes the research methods of this article, that is, the theory and the comparative research method. The fifth part mainly expounds the innovation of this article, and systematically proposes that the western minority areas should establish the economic development mechanism with the resource development mechanism as the core, the social stability mechanism with the social management mechanism as the core, and the optimization of the social supervision mechanism and the public interest sharing machine at the same time. The sixth part is the deficiency of this article, mainly the insufficiency of theoretical depth and the limitation of research scope.
The second chapter is composed of four parts, which mainly expounds the theoretical basis of this article and the summary of relevant experience. The first part expounds the theoretical content and theoretical inspiration of the theory of anti poverty abroad; the second part expounds the theoretical content and theoretical enlightenment of the domestic anti poverty theory; the third part is anti poverty in the minority areas of foreign countries. The fourth part sums up the Contemporary Enlightenment of anti poverty in the western minority areas.
The third chapter is composed of four parts, which mainly expounds the economic development of the western minority areas. The four parts are analyzed from four aspects of the growth rate, economic status, horizontal gap and financial dependence, and the economic development status of the western minority ethnic minority regions and the whole country. Gap.
The fourth chapter is composed of four parts. It mainly expounds the severe situation of anti poverty in the western minority areas. It analyzes the severe situation of anti poverty from the four aspects of the frequent natural disasters, the weak development foundation, the frequent social unrest and the disparity in the regional gap, and makes clear the current situation of anti poverty and the difficulties that they face, so as to adapt to local conditions. Research on anti poverty construction.
The fifth chapter is composed of five parts, which mainly expounds the restrictive factors of anti poverty in the western minority areas. The first part mainly writes the poor natural conditions of the poverty-stricken areas of the western minority nationalities. The second part states that the poor people in the western minority areas have long lived in the traffic block, the ecological environment is deteriorating, and the relatively closed natural remoteness. In the environment, the economy and society are still at a relatively low level of development: the third part is a complex historical factor. The minority nationalities in the West have been left over from the feudal society and have a complex historical background. The fourth part is the religious cultural conflict, the different ethnic groups have different religious cultures and some religious cultures are even completely opposite. The conflict between religions is inevitable. The fifth part is the system design defects, mainly from the narrow scope of poverty identification, the poor population standard and the reduction of the efficiency of anti poverty in three aspects.
The sixth chapter is composed of six parts. On the basis of the contents of the third, the fourth and the fifth chapters, this chapter mainly expounds the institutional arrangement of the anti poverty in the western minority areas. It expounds the importance of the six aspects, namely, defining the function, formulating the legal system, standardizing the management system, perfecting the policy system, strengthening the financial support and perfecting the counterpart aid. Sex, perfect law and policy are the experience of the successful anti poverty of the developed countries, the lack of law, the imperfection of the policy and the poor assessment system of poverty alleviation make the anti poverty work difficult and the efficiency of anti poverty management is low.
The seventh chapter is composed of six parts. It mainly discusses the strategic way of anti poverty in the western minority areas. The first part proposes to establish the poverty alleviation strategy, including the goal of poverty alleviation and development, the development strategy, the regional function orientation and the development strategy. The second part proposes the design of the new mechanism, including the construction and transfer mechanism, and the establishment of the participation. The third part is to strengthen the social service, that is to strengthen the social service, that is to strengthen the medical investment, strengthen the construction of the infrastructure and improve the social assistance system; the fourth part is the development of the characteristic industry, including the characteristic tourism industry, the characteristic modern agriculture and the characteristic Chinese medicine and medicine; the fifth part is the improvement of education and training, that is the foundation of popularization. Education knowledge, development of Vocational Technical Education and the strengthening of the construction of teachers; the sixth part proposes to improve social security, that is, to improve social security laws and regulations, to broaden the coverage of social security and to expand the financing channels for social security.
The basic conclusion of this paper is: under the severe situation and restrictive factors of anti poverty in the western minority areas, it is important to push forward the anti poverty management in ethnic areas. The western minority areas should further clarify the emphasis of the construction of anti poverty work, through the arrangement of the good system, the design of the innovation mechanism and the development of the characteristic production. We should improve the education and training, improve the social assistance and increase the investment in poverty alleviation and other measures to improve the anti poverty efficiency of the minority areas in the western regions, effectively solve the problem of the people's poverty reduction and development, and make efforts to build a well-off society in an all-round way.


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