本文选题:俄罗斯 + 俄属北极地区 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:进入二十一世纪后,由于丰富的油气矿产资源和北方航道的便利性,北极地区的战略地位不断增强,并且逐渐成为世界政治经济事务中的重要问题。作为濒临北极地区同时拥有最长海岸线的俄罗斯在北极地区活动频繁,制订了一系列北极地区开发政策。这不仅是其传统积极海洋战略的一个缩影,同时更是不乏对现实和未来战略的考量。随着全球性气候变暖,北极冰雪逐渐消融,北冰洋海底的油气和矿产资源不断被勘探出来,北极地区对俄罗斯的战略意义将会不断增强。 这种战略意义主要表现为:第一,开发俄属北极区域,将其作为保障国家社会经济发展的战略资源基地。第二,启用北方海上通道,将其建设成俄联邦在北极地区的交通运输干线。第三,发挥北极的军事战略作用,为俄罗斯争取更大的军事生存空间。虽然俄罗斯这几年制定了不少北极地区开发的具体计划,但是俄罗斯在俄属北极地区的社会经济发展进程中依然面临不少挑战。首先,有效开发北极地区的丰富能源资源要求俄罗斯必须解决与此相关划界问题、能源开采效益问题,应对可能产生的冲突,投资环境问题和生态环境保护问题。其次,北方航道在未来的有效利用和实现俄罗斯期望的北冰洋海权还必须解决一系列与之相关的政治、法律、军事等问题。在政治方面,俄罗斯必须解决与美国、欧盟在北极航道地位上存在的分歧。在法律方面,适用于北极航行的法律可能会面临调整,俄罗斯有可能失去北方航道航行规定的制定资格。在军事安全方面,俄罗斯的北方海路仍存在一些地理军事缺陷,并无法完全改变俄罗斯的海权困局。 本论文主要由引言、正文和结语组成。在引言中揭示了论文研究的必要性与现实意义,研究的对象、任务和方法等。正文由三章组成。第一章中阐释了北极地区的定义与俄属北极地区的定义,并且总结了俄属北极地区的范围变化。第二章重点从资源、北方航道和军事安全三个方面分析了俄属北极地区对于俄罗斯的重要战略意义。第三章主要分析了俄属北极地区社会经济发展过程中面临的主要挑战。
[Abstract]:After entering the 21 century, because of the abundant oil and gas mineral resources and the convenience of the northern waterway, the strategic position of the Arctic region has been continuously strengthened, and has gradually become an important issue in the world political and economic affairs. Russia, a region bordering the Arctic with the longest coastline, is active in the Arctic region and has formulated a series of Arctic development policies. This is not only a microcosm of its traditional positive ocean strategy, but also the consideration of reality and future strategy. With the global warming, the melting of Arctic ice and snow, and the exploration of oil, gas and mineral resources on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, the strategic significance of the Arctic region to Russia will continue to increase. The strategic significance is as follows: first, the development of the Russian Arctic region as a strategic resource base to ensure the social and economic development of the country. Second, the northern sea passage will be built into the Russian Federation in the Arctic transport trunk. Third, give play to the military strategic role of the Arctic, and strive for greater military survival space for Russia. Although Russia has made many specific plans for the development of the Arctic region in recent years, it still faces many challenges in the socio-economic development process of the Russian Arctic region. First of all, the effective exploitation of rich energy resources in the Arctic region requires Russia to solve the problems related to the demarcation of energy resources, the efficiency of energy exploitation, the possible conflicts, the investment environment and the protection of the ecological environment. Secondly, the effective utilization of the northern channel in the future and the realization of the sea power of the Arctic Ocean expected by Russia must also solve a series of political, legal, military and other problems related to it. On the political front, Russia must resolve its differences with the United States and the European Union over the status of the Arctic waterway. On the legal front, the law applicable to Arctic navigation may be subject to adjustment, and Russia may lose its eligibility for the navigation regulations of the northern waterway. In terms of military security, Russia's northern sea route still has some geographical and military shortcomings, and can not completely change Russia's maritime power dilemma. This paper mainly consists of introduction, text and conclusion. In the introduction, it reveals the necessity and practical significance of the research, the object, task and method of the research. The text consists of three chapters. The first chapter explains the definition of the Arctic region and the definition of the Russian Arctic region, and summarizes the range changes of the Russian Arctic region. The second chapter analyzes the important strategic significance of the Russian Arctic region to Russia from three aspects: resources, northern waterway and military security. The third chapter analyzes the main challenges in the process of social and economic development in the Russian Arctic region.
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