本文选题:民营经济 + 地位 ; 参考:《北京工业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:马克思、恩格斯设想的社会主义是实行公有制的计划经济体制,然而现阶段的社会主义中国走市场经济道路,大力发展民营经济,这正是马克思主义中国化的集中体现。纵观改革开放三十多年的历史,就是一部民营经济的发展史。民营经济在国民经济中的地位从“补充”到“重要组成部分”的跨越,从“两个毫不动摇”到“两个平等”的迈进,充分体现了中国几代领导人对于民营经济发展的积极探索,,体现了中国市场经济条件下民营经济日渐重要的地位和作用。民营经济对于促进国民经济增长、实现经济转型、构建和谐社会等方面都发挥了不可或缺的作用。然而现阶段民营经济发展的现状是:经济总量较大,但个体规模大多较小,处于产业链的低端,其进一步发展和作用的充分发挥面临着内外界诸多因素的制约。希望通过这篇论文,对于改革开放以来到十八大期间,党和国家对于民营经济态度的变化做一个梳理,再通过搜集整理相关统计资料的基础上,针对现阶段中国民营经济在国民经济中的重要地位和作用进行探索与分析,并针对当前制约我国民营经济作用发挥的瓶颈提出相应的解决构想,希望能对转型期的中国民营经济的健康发展做一定的研究。 论文第一章重点阐述了研究民营经济的背景和意义;介绍了本论文的研究方法以及梳理了国内外的研究现状;通过比较理论界对于民营经济内涵的争议,提出本论文中对于民营经济内涵的界定;对民营经济的基本特征做了一个简要描述,以此来说明促进民营经济作用发挥的优势。第二章论述了现阶段我国发展民营经济的必要性。一方面通过梳理几位无产阶级理论家对于建设社会主义的探索,说明在生产力薄弱的社会主义初级阶段发展民营经济的历史必然;另一方面根据马克思的历史唯物主义基本原理、市场经济的基本特征以及我国社会主义的本质要求来说明我国发展民营经济的客观必要性。第三章是论文的重点章节,论述了现阶段我国民营经济的地位和作用。通过梳理改革开放以来几代领导人对于社会主义与民营经济关系的探索,说明民营经济在我国日益重要的地位演变;通过搜集整理民营经济在市场份额、市场贡献率等方面所占的比重,以此来分析现阶段我国民营经济的发展规模和发展地位;从经济建设和社会建设两个大的方面梳理了民营经济在社会主义初级阶段至关重要的作用。第四章说明了现阶段影响民营经济作用发挥的因素以及简要分析了可行性对策,并提出了对于民营经济未来发展的展望。
[Abstract]:Marx and Engels conceived socialism as a planned economic system of public ownership. However, at the present stage, the socialist China is taking the road of market economy and vigorously developing the private economy. This is the centralization of the Chinese transformation of Marx's doctrine. The history of the thirty years of reform and opening up is a history of private economy. The leap from "supplement" to "important component" in the national economy, from "two unswervingly" to "two equality", fully embodies the positive exploration of the Chinese leaders for the development of the private economy, and embodies the increasingly important status and role of the private economy under the conditions of China's market economy. The economy has played an indispensable role in promoting the growth of the national economy, realizing the economic transformation and building a harmonious society. However, the present situation of the development of the private economy is that the economic total is large, but the size of the individual is mostly small and is at the low end of the industrial chain, and its further development and function are faced with both inside and outside. Through this paper, we hope that the party and the state have done a combing of the changes in the attitude of the private economy since the reform and opening to the eighteen major period, and on the basis of collecting and sorting out the relevant statistical data, we will explore and divide the important position and role of the Chinese private economy in the country and the people's economy at the present stage. In the light of the bottlenecks that restrict the role of the private economy in China, this paper puts forward the corresponding solutions and hopes to do some research on the healthy development of the private economy in China during the transition period.
The first chapter of the paper focuses on the background and significance of the study of the private economy, introduces the research methods of this paper and combs the status of the research at home and abroad. By comparing the disputes between the theoretical circle and the connotation of the private economy, it puts forward the definition of the connotation of the private economy in this paper, and makes a brief introduction to the basic characteristics of the private economy. The second chapter discusses the necessity of developing the private economy in China at the present stage. On the one hand, through combing the exploration of the proletarian theorists for the construction of socialism, it shows the historical necessity of developing the private economy in the primary stage of socialism with weak productive forces; On the other hand, according to the basic principles of Marx's historical materialism, the basic characteristics of the market economy and the essential requirements of our country's socialism, the objective necessity of the development of the private economy in China is explained. The third chapter is the key chapter of the paper, and discusses the status and role of the current private economy in China. Several generations of leaders explore the relationship between socialism and private economy, and explain the increasingly important status of private economy in our country. By collecting and sorting out the proportion of the private economy in the market share and the market contribution rate, this paper analyzes the development scale and development status of the private economy in our country at the present stage; from the economic construction. And the two major aspects of social construction have combed the vital role of the private economy in the primary stage of socialism. The fourth chapter illustrates the factors that affect the role of the private economy at the present stage, and briefly analyzes the feasibility countermeasures, and puts forward the prospects for the future development of the private economy.
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