中国经济特区研究(2015年第1期 总第8期)
作 者: 姬超(著)
所属集刊: 中国经济特区研究(2015年第1期 总第8期) 在线日期: 2016-09-18
页 数: 22页 阅 读: 人
摘 要
Industrial transformation and upgrading are important part of the economic growth process,so to clarify the relationship between the structure and the amount has become the key to sustainable economic growth,also the key of integrating industrial economy and economic growth theory. We analyzed and compared the differences among five SEZs’ economic development and structural evolution process in the real development scenarios. After description of the basic picture of SEZs’ evolution of industrial structure through industrial development leading coefficient,Lilien value and the More value which measured the direction and speed of industrial transformation and upgrading process. Furthermore we decomposed the growth effects of industrial transformation and upgrading from the single of factor and total factor productivity point verified factors which influence industrial transformation and upgrading. The results shows us that,(1)the structural effects on economic growth which coming from industrial transformation and upgrading showed a decreasing trend,and long-term economic growth dependent more on technological advances within the industry,(2)even the evolution direction of structural effects which coming from industrial transformation and upgrading is consistent in the long term at different regions,but there is a big difference on the evolutionary path,and sustainable growth requires both the rationalization and advancement of the industrial structure,(3)industrial transformation and upgrading is rooted in the economic growth system,and they reinforce each other and dynamic accumulation,so the sustainable growth requires a mutual adaptation of the total economy and structural.
产业转型 | 经济增长 | 历史情境 | 结构效应 | 技术进步效应 |
Industrial Transformation | Economic Growth | Historical Context | Structural Effects | Technological Progressing Effects |
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